,, Found it "

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After getting to the med bay Knockout got to scan Smokescreen. Everyone was there. ,, I'm tiered can you please hurry up I want to sleep." He said tiered. ,, He can get tiered?" Ratchet asked sarcasticly. Everyone looked at Starscream confused. ,,Star, what did you do to him?" Megatron asked worried. Smokescreen looked really tiered but he was looking completely normal. ,,Nothin." He answered. ,, Really, Nothing?" Megatron said full of sarcasm in his voice. ,, Nothing we just played "dodge the laser " for about 3 hours." He answered coldly. Everyone is shocked, he played with Smokescreen for almost 3 hours. How didn't he get bored. ,, How's Smokescreen after kissing the wall of our ship?" Megatron asked. Knockout looked at scanning of his body and got confused. ,,Uhh there's something inside him that looks like omega key." He added. ,, What?" He asked both confused and shocked at the same time. Everyone looked at scans that showed Smokescreen's body and a real omega key inside it. ,,Soooo... uhh... How do we get it out?" Bulkhead asked confused. ,,I don't know, maybe operation or cutting him?" Ratchet said confused. ,,Or using the phase shifter that is on the table right next to you ?" Arcee said sarcasticly while pointing at it. ,, Knockout, why is our relic outside of the trophy room?" Megatron asked. ,,We got a rust infection in it so all relics are put on the different places until we fix it." He answered bit scared. Megatron was now slowly getting angry. All of a sudden Optimus  said,,I didn't know about the rust infection, when did it happen?" ,, Yesterday, I told autobots to file a report because I was busy cleaning the med bay, no one told you or Megatron?" Knockout asked confused. ,,No, no one made any reports and now I wonder why?" Megatron started to yell a bit. He always insist for things to be in order and escalation like this are making him angry. Even Optimus is now angry, he was hoping that peace treaty with decepticons will bring a bit calmness but it was only a big tension. ,,Hey calm down you two" Starscream said,,especially you Megsy I don't want to clean up your mess after a tantrum and don't even think about yelling now I don't want to deal with you now so just focus on getting the key out of Smokescreen and then yell as much as you want but until then, keep calm, this is also ment for you Prime, you are no better either." Both of them calmed down and Knockout took a phase shifter and turned it on. He put his hand in Smokescreen and pulled out the key. After a check up that he is fine everyone is free to go, only Starscream, Optimus, Megatron and Soundwave are left. ,,So what now?" Megatron asked annoyed. ,, Meeting " Starscream said,, Meeting about the missing reports and lack of information, this stuff is getting serious and I can't deal with it." ,, How are you dealing with it, you are on the resting process?" Soundwave asked confused. ,, Yes I am but Megatron is not so at the end of the day, I'm dealing with Megatron and all of the problems so that's how." He answered while looking at him. ,, Meeting about it was good idea actually, we will discuss it in the evening." Optimus told him. ,, Okay fine." Megatron said tiered,, How is our omega key situation going ?" ,,We defined another set of coordinates, it was very close from our place, we wanted to send you and Optimus to get it." Soundwave replied. ,,Why us?" Megatron asked. ,, Isn't it logical, it's the last key so to make sure it was brought safe." Starscream said on what Soundwave nodded yes. During the day both of them got the last key. At the evening everyone is sitting on the round table with Optimus and Megatron sitting next to each other, On Optimuse's side was Bumblebee and Starscream was next to Megatron. ,,Why are we here?" Arcee asked. ,,To discuss everyone's behavior." Optimus said while standing up,, You didn't file a Reports on the accident in the mines and about rust." Megatron added. Everyone started talking at the same time. It became a mess. ,,Hey, hey, HEY, HEY!" Optimus tried to yell but no one listens. ,, FOR THE NAME OF THE PITS SHUT UP!" Starscream yelled at his full voice. Everyone kept quiet. ,, Now, one by one talk, Shockwave's!" Starscream said while looking at him. ,,I was in the lab working on my experiment, I wasn't there so logically I didn't need to fill a report." He answered.,, Arcee?" Optimus asked. ,,I was recovering and simply forgot." ,,Bulkhead?" Optimus asked again. ,,I was with Arcee and I also forgot." He said ashamed. Now disappointed he asked,, Bumblebee?" He also forgot. ,, Let's get this faster" Megatron said tiered,,Who forgot it because of emotion?" Almost all autobots raised their hands. ,, Next time don't forget it please, we need to have them so we can get all the information to prevent future accidents." He said tiered. Starscream was feeling weird. Something about Megatron is feeling of today but he didn't ask. ,,And now to others." He said while looking at the decepticons,, Except Starscream, Ratchet Soundwave and Shockwave who got their reports what about you Knockout and you guys?" Knockout started talking,, I did write a report but didn't send it, After that I was needed in the mine to treat injured viecon and forgot to send it." ,, Fine and you two?" He asked predacons. ,,We were working on cleaning mine and we were tied, soo tiered that we forgot it." They said. Both leaders looked at each other and told their teams to be more careful and that they have all omega keys and are ready to leave for Cybertron. Everyone left happy except Megatron and Starscream who was suspicious about him. On the way to his bedroom Megatron got pulled into Starscream's room. ,, Megatron waiiiiit!" He said falling on the floor. He used all of his strength to pull him in that he lost balance and feel. It made Megatron laugh and he just lifted him up asking what does he want. ,, Darling you look tiered today and worried, what's wrong, did something happen?" Starscream asked worried. ,, It's just, I'm scared.!" He said while crying. ,,Why what happened tell me?" Starscream said while taking his arm and rubbing it to make him more relaxed. ,, I'm scared that when we re build Cybertron others will turn against me and leave me." He sobbed ,, Everyone is scared of me and what if they take me to the prison or just kill me, I would be alone, I would lose anyone!" He cried. At that moment Starscream just pulled him in the kiss and hugged him tightly. ,,No you won't." Starscream said while looking at his eyes ,,If your going to prison I'm going with you, If they exile you I'm following you, Megatron whenever you are I will be there somehow, with you because I love you." Megatron just started crying more but also smiling. ,, Darling." He said while sobbing. ,,I don't care about others, if I can love you like this than others will also see something in you trust me, you changed Megatron" Starscream said to him while tear started to drip on his chest. Megatron saw it and just hugged him tighter. ,,I love you Starscream." He said while looking at him. ,,I love you too Megatron." Starscream said. Both of them feel asleep together hugging each other. Before falling asleep Starscream secretly send massage to Optimus for private meeting

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