,, It's not Cybertronian plaque"

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Megatron is running as fast as he can. He just hoped Starscream just fell on the floor and nothing happened. Knockout was running faster. At the groundbrige room they saw a couple of viecons who lifted Starscream on the wall. He was unconscious without any signs of life on him. A quick scan from Knockout made it even worse. ,,He need to get medical help, NOW!" As soon as he said that Megatron picked him up and started carrying him at the med bay. Knockout just started running and hoping that Megatron know the cure and it will work. At the med bay Ratchet is already waiting prepared. As soon as Megatron placed Starscream on the medical table they realized that it's not Cybertronian plaque. ,,I thought it was Cybertronian plaque but it's not, and I don't know what it is " said Knockout while showing Ratchet Starscream's medical scan,, It's like something is eating him on the inside and keeping him alive at the same time I don't know what to do." He was almost crying when Ratchet scanned Starscream again. ,, Primus, no" he said worried,, Starscream got black rust." ,, What how's that possible, the black rust is only contaminating tools like metal, not living metal " Megatron said while looking at Starscream who is still not giving any signs of life. ,,His body is in coma to keep him away from spending too much energy but for this amount of damage he need to be sick for weeks or even moth after he caught it." At that moment Megatron snapped out, he saw Starscream holding his chest sometimes but he said it was just a little scratch that hurt. He was furious, sad and broken at the same time. He wanted to punch him and hug him at a same time, he hated his sceaming and now, he looked at him with his eyes full of tears hoping he will be fine. ,,I think I found out how he got black rust " said Knockout typing,,Looks like black rust fused with energon that has been processed to be drinkable. Energon crystals can't hold black rust but if processed and added some additives like in this case where we added some iron to straighten the bridge but black rust fed on it and now ended up in Starscream."  Ratchet was amazed how quickly Knockout figured it out. Now they need to find a cure and save Starscream before it's too late. Megatron was not feeling well. His legs started shaking and he sat down on the floor felling dizzy.,,I... don't feel so good." At that moment Knockout scanned him and explain:,, You are just overworked and exhausted, more energon and sleep will fix this."  Medics continue to work while Megatron got up and barley got to his room. As soon as he got in he fell on the bed and started yelling. He was crying while trying to hold on somehow but he can't. All of a sudden Optimus showed up holding up energon cubes for him. ,,I would not drink that if I was you." Megatron said while pointing at the cubes.,, Don't worry we know about black rust and this energon is safe." Optimus just sat next to Megatron while offering him energon. Megatron whipped out tear and chugged the whole cube. Optimus just sat next to him and said,, I know that you love Starscream and he will be fine trust your medics." At that moment Megatron calmed down but answered in the sad voice,, Don't try to help me prime, it's my fault that this happened." He was now shaking out of sadness. ,, It's not, my friend, you are working on something else and didn't handle the energon situation. After all you carried him to the med bay and saved him from being injured in other process."  While they were talking about it, in the med bay, Ratchet and Knockout found a cure for the black rust. ,, So if black rust take his energon for itself you are saying that if we gave him energon with anti- rust in it black rust will leave." Said Knockout worried,, But it's poisonous for bots to take it."  Ratchet calmed him down and showed him the results,, It's our only option, black rust is flowing through his energon sistem so it's not dangerous for him yet but it deprives him from energy in it. " Ratchet honestly didn't get along with decepticons but for Starscream he was able to get along because of his work ethic so he really hoped that he will survive. ,, I hope this will work " he answered while preparing the energon and other chemicals in case something went wrong. He made the cure and gave it to Starscream. He waited for about five minutes and then looked at screen only to see that black rust is gone. It worked but now they need to be very careful. Meanwhile, Megatron and Optimus talked about this situation, because of Starscream no one else tryed energon and all contaminated cubes are destroyed. At the end Knockout called him at the med bay saying that he needs to be with Starscream since him and Ratchet are going on the brake. Megatron understand Ang got there as soon as possible with Optimus. Upon entering they were met with Starscream looking lifeless, he isn't twitch like normal he was just laying there. Megatron was scared to death, after everything Starscream encounter is he really gonna die like this? Thousand thoughs are in his head right now. Optimus tried to get his attention,, Megatron, MEGATRON!" ,, What?" He snapped out looking at Optimus. ,,Calm down he will be fine but we need to take care of the work. Without Starscream less work has been done. He was really good at managing it. ,,Can you please do the paperwork Prime, I have no idea how to do that." Megatron asked sad that he was completely useless without Starscream around to guide him. Optimus agreed and left Megatron to look after Starscream while he went to sleep. At the med bay only Megatron was there looking at Starscream. Knockout called asking him if Ratchet and he can sleep and he allowed it. ,,Call us if something changes." Knockout said before ending the call. Now, he just sat next to him and waited for something to happened.

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