,, What about Soundwave?"

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,,NO, you can't put weapons next to the storage room it's dangerous! " yelled Starscream in com link,, put them next to viecon bedrooms so in case of an emergency we will be prepared."As soon as he hung up another call came,, APSOLUTLY NO, computer is already lagging and it needs cleaning so don't even think about using it, JUST CALL SOUNDWAVE." He hung up again only for another call,, I'm gonna rest when I'm dead." He mumbled,, WHAT, HOW'S THAT EVEN PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE!?" He yelled now confused.,, Shockwave Skylinx and Darksteel are stuck together at the dock of a ship... I know,I know just help them before things escalate." Everyone is looking at Starscream who is laying on the table exhausted. ,, You need a day off!" Said Arcee while Starscream jus laugh.,,HA HA HA,no!" He continued,, I just need to finish my job for today and I'm done." ,, Starscream, groundbrige now." He heard Megatron. As soon as he got there he saw Soundwave who is looking worried. Next to him is Optimus also worried just like Megatron. ,, What's wrong?" He asked. ,, Computer isn't working we tried everything!" Megatron said while looking at him. ,, Have you tried persecutive maintenance?" ,,The what?" Asked Soundwave confused. At that moment Starscream wacked out the computer with all of his strength. Static was heard for a second and then computer came back to life. ,, There, it will hold on anything else?" He asked,, Yes we need to check on our biggest mine so let's go." Megatron told him and asked Soundwave for groundbrige. They entered in one of the mines checked a few things and left but Megatron felt something is wrong. Starscream look sad, he did even looked at him. ,,Hey Star can we talk?" He asked him at the end of the day while he was going to his room. ,, Yes, what do you need my little scraplet?" He answered curious what will happened. ,, You looked kinda sad today is everything alright?" Megatron asked only for Starscream to finally crack. ,, I'm…sorry but I can't..." He started running towards his bedroom cowering his face. ,, Starscream wait I didn't mean to !" He started following him but he lost him, he wasn't in his bedroom or even on the ship. ,, Have you seen Starscream?" He asked a couple of viecons. ,, Yes he got out to fly." One of them said point at the dock. ,, Thank you." Megatron said while transforming. ,, Starscream where in the pits are you?!" He was calling him while looking around. All of a sudden he saw him sitting in the desert. He came closer and looked at him. He was crying with his arms around his knees. Megatron slowly put his arm on his shoulder,,Star are you okay, you worried me?" ,, Sorry but... I just can't... everyone thinks I'm trying to overthrow you again and no one cares about me." He was crying more and more. ,, But you don't, I think,I mean you are everything but predictable." Megatron said while sitting next to him. ,,Why would I do that, finally I got a chance to help rebuild my home planet and everything was good why does no one trust me, am I really worst person ever. " he asked with tears falling from his face. ,, What, no! " Megatron said while holding him in a hug ,,In fact you are one of the best person I ever had." ,, How I was a traitor, coward, idiot just how?" He asked looking at his face.,, You aren't traitor I now understand that, you really are better leader for the cause than me." Megatron answered ashamed,, Since the peace was established you are working constantly while I was just there doing nothing compared to others." Megatron was sad but now Starscream hugged him tighter,, You do same as others I just don't want to face my problem so I would bury myself in work so I couldn't think of other things." Megatron was stunned, Starscream would often do that but he never noticed until now.,, Starscream, I know that you have problems and that you can't face them alone but you don't have to be alone, I'm here to help, however I can." ,, Really but still I'm a coward and idiot." He said tear forming in his eye. ,, You are not idiot you know what your doing, you are just extremely creative and you are not a coward, may I remind you that you survived Predaking and this whole war, you are the first bot to talk with Darksteel and Skylinx to join us and you don't hold grudges against anyone. Wish I could learn the last one" Megatron said while whipping tears from his face. ,,For the last one you need to learn to forgive, on the hard way I learned that nothing good thrives from revenge." He answered now much calmer. ,, But it's hard you do it so easy like nothing happened how?" Megatron continue wanting to know his secret. ,, Well I just hope that our future alliance can make up for our past." Answered Starscream hoping he teaches Megatron something useful. ,, I guess you're right, I kinda want to ask you something." He said to him while standing up.,, What is it?" He now curiously asked.,,I want you to be my right handed man back on Cybertron, to represent me and go on meetings with me stuff like that, so do you want ro help me with that?" He asked nervous.,, But why me, Soundwave has experience with that?" He wanted explanation, if he accepted it right now he would hurt Soundwave, after all he is most loyal to the cause.,, He is good yes and we talked about it but he doesn't want to do anything with the politics now, he just wanted a lower rank than that, others are not suitable for this position but you." He continued smiling,, You are intelligent, smart, good with work and most important you see all bots as equal no matter what they did to you so do you agree my love? " Starscream was surprised, he jumped into a hug and kissed him,, Yes, but what about Autobots what will Optimus think?" He asked while Megatron just kissed him gently and whispered,, Optimus wanted you in the first place." Starscream was honestly finally happy, he can say that both leaders finally like him. After this both of them got into their rooms and went to sleep hoping that new day would be more relaxed.

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