The talk

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They entered in the grounbrige and spawn in the desert. The sky looked beautiful,the stars are shinning brighter than ever.,, Look there's a milky way " said Starscream excited.,,The what ?" Said confused Megatron. ,,The galaxy we are in is called milky way by humans, the stars that you see here are are part of it."He explained.,, You really like stars do you?" He said,, Well I'm called Starscream Soo stars are part of my name!" he said laughing,,Also they keep me going through life,Every time that I was sad, angry or fell like giving up I look at them and remember that far away in the other galaxy is my home, Cybertron.",, Ah those are good days before the fall of the sistem" Megatron added,, I honestly didn't have any good memories of my planet, I was either a miner or a slave or a gladiator you had it easy since you are elite." At that moment Starscream just looked at him and said sadly,, No you're wrong."He slowly started to talk about his past life.,, Yes I was a seeker commander back on the Cybertron but I didn't have it easy." He mumbled.,, My every move was monitored, there's always someone who will only see your mistakes and remind you of them, my destiny was already planned from the begging, They just wanted me to be another seeker same as others.",, But at least you had a decent life, you Didn't have to worry about clean energon, medical help or safe place " Megatron added. ,,Oh you just think that" Starscream said,, Even that can change if you make a mistake or lose your ability to fly." at that moment Starscream's eyes are full of tears.,,If you loose your ability to fly they would just abandon you on the scrapyard or harvest you for spare parts." As he was talking about it he started shaking more and more,, I tryed to bring the question of change of Cybertron sistem But no one cared... They only care about themselves. I wasn't perfect eater, I also didn't care about bots in the pits but I cared about my planet, my home,my seekers but…because of my selfishness I Lost it all." At that moment he bursted out crying. For the first time ever Megatron felt pity for his seeker. He never felt it before he always thought Starscream was traitor, selfish and coward but now he  understood that he was just broken. Just... like.. him.,, Deceptcion cause was only thing I have left. I joined the deceptcions in hope to change my planet but now... I will be abandoned and lost. I'M A TRAITOR AND LOSER." He sat down on the cold sand, hands on his head and tears falling from his face.,, Starscream, no, no you're not a traitor, you are not a loser you are just like me." Megatron said that and sit next to him,, You are just like me, broken and with issues but... Maybe if we work on that we can both be better persons.",, Well... we can try" he said while whipping tears from his face.,, You are just like me Starscream, I also wanted change, power and to help oppressed but now I understand that I'm actually a monster."Megatron said tear falling from his face. All of a sudden he felt Starscream arm around his waist gently hugging him.,, Megatron you are not monster before you started using dark energon, it gave you power but also possessed you, it made you slave.If you can stop using it you would be back to normal." Starscream said while he wiped tear from Megatron's face.,,But I can't I tried but it just made me wanting more" he said.,, Then let me help you, I know that you can change I believe you just,  trust me this one time." Starscream said standing up and holding his arm.,, Fine I'll trust you but, you also need help with your trust and abandonment issues so we both need to work on ourselves."Megatron said while slowly getting up holding Starscream's arm. The desert was calm, not a single person to see. Both of them like this solitude and since they were alone Megatron leaned into the kiss and Starscream didn't hesate. Both of them kisses for good 30 minutes before Starscream finally said,, I wanted to do this talk with you for a long time, thanks for your time master "Said the seeker.,,Me to Starscream, me too." Megatron whispered.

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