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Megatron looked at Starscream's optics, they looked so tired and full of pain but also there is something that Megatron never noticed , they also had a glow that Megatron never seen before, the power, will to live, it was so beautiful and friendly. At that moment in the med bay entered Knockout and shocked yelled at Starscream:,, HOW ARE YOU AWAKE,I THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE IN A DEEP COMA!?",,Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,me, Deep coma,oh come on Knockout you need more than that to put me there!" Said Starscream laughing and trying to get up but was stopped.,, Where do you think you're going. Your on a life support, missing wings and your arm and leg are reattached moments before?"said Knockout angrily,, I don't want to run through the whole ship in case you fainted or got hurt.",,Oh  come on doctor, unlike you who can rest all day I have a lot of work to do. After this incident I need to make sure that hallway is clean, report is made and to make sure what to say to Megatron when he found out where I am." Starscream said angrily.,, Oh, you don't need to worry about that Starscream"said Megatron happily.,,Oh sorry my Lord I forgot you are here so I don't have to explain where I am but still, I have a lot of work to do." Starscream said twitching for a bit.,, No you don't, you are in no condition to work, let alone go on a mission, so you will be here until you are fixed, and to make sure you obey me I will allow Knockout to use drugs to keep you in place. Do you understand?" At that moment Starscream started begging him,, Oh please Lord Megatron, can I work at least a little bit I don't want to stay here for a long time, I will be careful I promise I don't want to stay in med bay." He begged Megatron with his arms and puppy look that only he is able to do. Hesitantly Megatron looked at The Knockout who just nodded and said,, Ugh, fine but you are not allowed to go out of the Ship. Only on the dock and that's it." ,, Oh thank you master, thank you" said Starscream almost wanting to hug Megatron but then he felt a Sharp Pain on his back that make him cry in pain and crawl.,,Aghhhhh, what is this pain on my back doctor!" He cried only for Knockout to come to him and strapp him to the table,, I'm  sorry Starscream for this but I need to tell you something, The pain is there because Predaking ripped out your wings and shattered them, I can't re attach them and you won't be able to fly. I'm sorry" said Knockout trying to comfort him. At that moment Starscream stopped resisting and just lay there, the world shattered to him, the only thing he is good at is taken from him, his freedom his life. His lips started to shake and he just mumble to the doctor,, Can I go to m-my room...p-please!"at that moment Knockout said,, Yes" and let him go. Starscream turned to Megatron who watched everything in silence and shock and said ,, I'm sorry my Lord but I won't be able today " and left running to his room.

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