,, Dogde the laser"

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The next day was pretty busy. Viecons are still cleaning the mine with Autobots. Smokescreen was goofing around. ,, Smokescreen either help or stay out of the way!" Arcee yelled at him angry. ,, Okay, okay fine just, don't yell." He told her while leaving. He entered the med bay looking for Knockout who was reading some data pads. ,,Hey KO, wanna go for a ride?" He asked happily but Knockout didn't even look at him and said,, I'm very busy right now so maybe later." Smokescreen was now sad, he left the med bay and entered the dining room where he saw Starscream eating. ,,Let me guess you're busy too!" He told him while sitting. ,,No I'm not do you need something?" He asked him while finishing his energon. ,, Everyone is busy doing something and no one is willing to just play" he answered sad. ,, Smokescreen , we almost found all for omega keys and can re build Cybertron so everyone is working on that, besides there is surly someone who can play." Starscream explained to him but it didn't work. ,,Who? Bumblebee is helping viecons and autobots to clean up mine and KO is busy, viecons are also busy as well as predacons, Shockwave, Soundwave and Megatron." He told him sad and bored at the same time. ,, Wait how did you spend your free time when you were like me?" He asked curiously. Starscream was now confused, free time? He never had it back in the days.,,My free time?" He asked. ,, Yes like how was your life in the academy or wherever you are?" He asked curious. ,, Well I never actually had a free time in the military." Starscream answered but Smokescreen didn't give up. ,,Oh please that can't be true I mean, how was your day spend like?" ,, Well back in the academy we would start our day by going to the training, then we would eat and go outside for another training and then we would take our energon and after that we would go to another training and then we would go back to sleep." He answered. ,, What about in between the training and other days?" Smokescreen asked now really interested. ,, Well we trained every day, only at the end of the week we would receive our plan for next week, sometimes one of the trainings is replaced with science education. In between the lessons we would be Soo tiered that when we entered our rooms we would fall asleep immideatly no questions asked." He answered while going out. Smokescreen was following him,, Wait what about after that, you were seekers commander after all, you did had some free time in some point of your life right?" He asked. ,, After the academy I was flying in search of energon for some time and that wasn't an easy job, I would fly days without energon and no free time during that. After I became commander I also flyed to search for it and also had more office work so even if I had some free time I would just sleep because I was also sleep deprived." Smokescreen was now confused,, But you have an energy that needs to be let out right?" He asked. Starscream just looked him blankly and said,,I was Decepticon's second in command and Megatron's right hand man, I don't have energy in me, my love for life died long time ago I forgot when." Smokescreen was now sad he doesn't know what to do. ,,I know" all of a sudden Starscream said. ,, What?" Smokescreen asked bored. Starscream called someone on the com link,, Optimus, Megatron this is Starscream, can I take a Smokescreen on the training session, he is now bored." ,, Yes you can" Optimus answered . ,, Just be careful and don't die or get hurt." Megatron told him. ,,I will be careful Megatron." He answered while ending call. ,, Training session with you?" Smokescreen asked now more confused. ,, Trust me I can handle you now let's go." He said to him while transforming. Smokescreen just followed by. After about 15 minutes of driving they both ended up in the desert away from humans and others. Smokescreen was confused. ,, What are we doing here? " He asked Starscream who is fixing his laser guns. ,,We had to be far away from everyone for this session, I will shoot at you from the air and you will Doge it for as long as you can. I'm setting up my lasers to no harm." He answered to now amazed Smokescreen,, Really?" He asked eyes full of happiness. ,, Yes this is old training back in the academy, we called it doge the laser, it was meant to be completely in the air but we can modify it so  what do you think?" He asked smiling. Smokescreen was jumping from happiness,, Yes finally, autobot training was way more boring that this,I'm ready." He answered while transforming. ,,On my signal then." Starscream said while also transforming. In the air Starscream was reading with Smokescreen in front of him on the ground. He started counting,,Ready, set, GO!" Smokescreen started driving very fast while dogging his lasers. He was very skilled at driving and he was handling Starscream's resistance easy. ,,Hey you are pretty good at this, want to go on the next level?" Starscream asked. ,, Yes let's go." He answered while speeding more. Next level was a bit harder for him, lasers are now more precise and Starscream is going faster. That continued for half an hour when Smokescreen asked to take the game on the next level on what Starscream agreed. Now he's going faster and his shots are more precise and repeating more. Smokescreen hold on to it for the next 30 minutes and asked Starscream,,Hey can I try maximum level, I just want to see your full strength?" ,, Sure for 10 seconds" Starscream answered while stopping his shots and slowing down a bit to give him some advance. After 10 seconds Starscream got to his full speed and fired his shots at Smokescreen.He was very fast and his shots are accurate and precise, Smokescreen didn't stand a chance against him, not even for ten seconds. The shots got him and he stopped. ,,Ow I give up,I give you!" He yelled while transforming. Starscream got to him and looked at him. ,,Are you alright?" He asked worried. ,, Yes but, WOW, this was the best training ever!" He jumped from happiness. ,, Glad you like it." Starscream smiled. ,, But especially the last level, you are Soo fast and accurate like Wow, I now understand why you are commander of the seeker armada." Smokescreen was amazed with Starscream's skill. ,, Well thank you!" He answered happly ,, You dogging my lasers was also fantastic, you could be very good at it with more training." ,, You really think that Starscream?" Smokescreen asked worried from what he will hear. ,, Yes I really think that, trust me, I worked with a bots like you and I understand you, you are really good at this but you also have a lot of energy that needs to be under control." He continued,, Yelling won't help so I will try to exhaust you for a bit. So do you want to try my methods?" Smokescreen was happy he hugged Starscream,, Thank you Soo much I won't disappoint you." ,,Hey, get of me I hate hugs!" Starscream yelled at him. ,, Sorry, my bad." He let go of him. ,, Want to race back to the ship?" He asked. ,, Yes let's go." Starscream agreed. Both of them started racing back to the ship. Back to the base both teams are taking a break outside when they saw these two racing back to the ship.  Starscream was leading but Smokescreen was also fast. They started to cheer them up, they are yelling,,Go Smokescreen!" or ,, Let's go Starscream!" Like it was important. Starscream was winning but he started to slow down. ,, Smokescreen slow down you will get hurt." Starscream told him. ,,Oh calm down I won't hit the aaaaagh." He wanted to answer but one of his tiers got loose and he was sent flying in the air. He transformed try to land but he hit the wall of the ship. Everyone rushed to him worried. ,, Smokescreen we were supposed to race to the ship, not to literally hit it." Starscream said joking. ,,Oh right I kinda forgot." He answered laughing. ,, Let's get you checked just in case you are hurt by any chance, you really hit the wall." Starscream told him while lifting him up and going with him and rest of the team to the med bay for a check up.

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