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They enjoyed being alone with one another. After the talk they both feel like a huge weight was dropped from their shoulders. When they got back to the ship Starscream went to sleep and Megatron decided to check on Knockout. When he entered med- bay he saw the red doctor working on Starscream's wings. They almost looked like nothing happened to them besides some of the parts missing.,, I must say Knockout I'm impressed." Megatron said amazed.,, Well thank you my Lord, I'm trying my best so Starscream can fly again." Knockout said tiered from all of the work. Sure He wasn't the best doctor but he is trying. Being an only medic on the ship wasn't an easy job and Megatron knows that.,, Knockout, why are you doing this?" Megatron asked,, Well Starscream's our only seeker so it would be much better if he can fly ." He answered a little worried.,, Yes, he is but this "operation" is very risky it's bigger risk than the project predacon so I don't think that's only reason!" Megatron said in his usual tone.,, Well my Lord it's time I tell you a secret." Knockout said while Inhaling some air to cool down,, Do you remember that time when Brakedown was captured by humans and escaped?",,Yes I can't forget about that" Megatron said a little confused. ,, Well he didn't escaped on his own, an autobot helped him but it's not that what is important."He continued ,, Later when I was fixing him he told me that Starscream also got there to save him" ,, WHAT?" Megatron yelled In disbelief.,, I also thought that it was impossible but then it hit me, that they he went out of the Ship to fly but also got back full of scratches. Some viecons showed up hurt and when I asked them about it they said autobots got them." Knockout said with a little bit of sadness in his voice.,, Brakedown was my best friend and that day I could've lost him but thanks to Starscream little braking of the rules he survived, The wing repair is my way of saying thank you to him. He wasn't perfect but still I could talk with him about stuff and he won't tell anyone. After I lost Brakedown he was my only friend." At that moment a tear slowly dripped from his face but he quickly whipped it. Megatron was stunned, he knew that Starscream fear him but to take risk like this, he now understood him more. Deceptcions are really the only thing he had in life and he is willing to fight for the cause.,,WOW ARE THOSE MY WINGS " yelled Starscream in excitement. Megatron snapped out of his thinking and said looked on the door to see exited Starscream walking towards Knockout.,, Yes they are just some more work and I will reattach the to you" said the doctor. ,, I really don't know what to say this is really good, you are really good with tools." Starscream said while watching all around His wings and Knockout. ,, I'm glad you like it Star" Megatron said while slowly walking outside,, my job for today is done so I'm going to bed." ,, Good night Master " said both Starscream and Knockout at the same time. After he left Knockout turned to Starscream and said,, Soo what's up with you and Megatron?" Asked medic curious,, What do you mean, we are just commander and his master nothing else!" He responded instantly.,, Oh come on Starscream, I saw him with his arms around you so either it's a new punishment or something else so talk!" He said now annoyed with Starscream's lying,, Ugh fine but, no one else can find out about it, I'm in love with Megatron and we made out so that's what you saw happy now." He responded ashamed to admit it to someone.,, What you and Megatron! You and Megatron!" Knockout yelled surprised,, Megatron who pounded you like a Scrap metal, Megatron that hospitalized you wit his beating, Megatron who wants you dead. Starscream look like You head was damaged also you and Megatron. How, when,why?" ,,Oh come on it's not a big deal." Starscream said while trying to calm his friend down.,, Starscream you wanted him dead how can you love him!"  Knockout yelled wanting to shake Starscream but all of a sudden he yelled:,, I always loved him"Knockout looked at Starscream who started talking,, I always loved him and he also loved me." ,, Well still, he's abusive to you remember." Knockout said,, also where have you two been all day?" ,,Well that's the thing doctor We were at desert we had a talk about our issues" Starscream Said while smiling,, He told me that he wants to get off from dark energon and I told him about my issues so we both promised to help each other " ,, Wow but how did you get to that?" He asked both confused and curious. ,, Well after I ran into my room after a brakedown He also came and slammed me on the wall yelling at me what am I doing." Starscream said blushing a little. ,, Well that's your usual Megatron and Starscream dinamic so what happened there he slapped you?" Knockout asked. ,, Well no, after he slammed me I started crying and he kissed me." He said blushing ,, After that he calmed me down and  when I wanted to cry more he pulled me into another kiss and we made out. After that we slept together and in the morning we got up chatted a little and kissed a little bit more. That's what you saw." Knockout's look on the face was priceless. He couldn't believe that Megatron can love someone let alone Starscream. He looked at him and said,, Wow Starscream you really are unpredictable hmp, no wonder why you're deceptcions second in command." ,, Well I will talk about it tomorrow, now I'm tiered and I you should be going to bed too." He said. ,, But your wings..."He added. ,,Oh calm down you also need rest you can work tomorrow." Starscream added while yawning.,,I guess you're right. Good night Starscream" he added while going to his room.,, Good night Knockout." He said while slowly going to his place to sleep.

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