New future

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In the morning, Megatron is still sleeping. Starscream is already awake, he slowly got out of the room. While going to get some breakfast he saw Optimus eating. ,,Oh great, the bot I was looking for." He said happy. ,, I also wanted to talk with you Starscream." Optimus said. They both took a breakfast and started talking. ,,Let me guess, you want to discuss about Megatron?" He asked Starscream. ,, Yes how did you know?" He asked. ,,Well I was looking yesterday for Megatron and I overheard your conversation with him." Optimus said ashamed a bit. ,,Umm what exactly did you hear?" Starscream asked while looking at him.,, I heard that he cried worried about himself when you started comforting him." Optimus told him. Starscream blushed a bit and started twitching. ,,I heard how much you love him and I guess you're wanting to make sure he's safe." Optimus told him. Starscream just exhale and looked at him.,, Don't worry Starscream" he said while putting his arm on his shoulder,,I never wanted to hurt Megatron, don't worry, he's my friend and he will be safe." ,, You promise?" Starscream asked.,,I promise." Optimus said. They both finished their energon and left. On the way to the dock of the ship Optimus saw Megatron talking with Bumblebee about his voice. Looks like he wants to repair it. After Bumblebee left Optimus came smiling. ,,Looks like you really changed!" He said. ,, Well I'm trying." Megatron answered smiling. ,,I talked with Starscream about you."He said. ,, Really what did you told him?" Megatron asked curious. ,,He wanted to make sure that you will be safe after all of this"Optimus said,,he sent me a message and we talked about it." Megatron was surprised on what he heard. Starscream really talked with Optimus about him. He really love him. ,, He really love you Megatron, take care of him." Optimus said while looking at him. ,, Thank you, my friend." He said. They both entered the main room. Starscream is waiting for them with Soundwave. They showed them the combination for the relics. ,,Then set the course to Cybertron, the rust sea." Optimus said and the space bridge opend. They all looked at their planet. It was in a worse shape then they remember. At the rust sea they saw a structure that looks exactly like omega lock. They landed closer to look at it. Meanwhile Ratchet joined them. ,, To rebuild the Cybertron we need to power up the fragment." Soundwave said. ,, How are we going to do that?" Megatron asked on what Soundwave replied calm,,We can place it in the middle of the Lock and it will attract it's energy, then we will transport it to the well of the Allspark" They came closer and took Omega keys out. The structure activated and started glowing. It works. ,,We need to call others!" Soundwave said. ,,No worry about that" Knockout said while coming with others. Viecons are also on the dock of the ship. Everyone is here looking at the lock. ,, Let's do it." Said Optimus and asked Starscream to place fragment at the middle. He did as told and lock started glowing more. ,,We have for keys that needs to be unlocked at the same time, so who is gonna do it?" Soundwave asked. ,, Optimus and Megatron as leaders of course, and the can choose the other two." Starscream said. Everyone agreed. ,, Alright then, Ratchet will you do the honor?" Optimus asked him and he replied,,Yes". Megatron was thinking about who. Starscream didn't want to do that and Shockwave, predacons and Knockout also. ,, Soundwave will you have that honor?" He asked. Soundwave was surprised he expected Starscream but he just nodded yes and came. They all came closer and started counting. At the end everyone turned on their keys and lock was active. It started forming some sort of the cloud and it started going towards the fragment. After a minute it stopped while letting out a powerful blue wave of energy. ,,Wow what was that?" Smokescreen asked. ,,Looks like omega lock is done transferring energy to the fragment and this wave was what is left out of it." Shockwave said while looking at the fragment. ,, Well it was powerful, so much that it polished everyone, we look more shiny now." Knockout added while looking at himself and others. ,,Yes your right." Someone said. ,, Bumblebee!" Ratchet said,, You can talk!" Everyone is shocked. The power of that wave is huge it repaired everyone even Bumblebee's voice box. ,, What about fragment?" Smokescreen asked. It was now glowing more. Starscream picked it up and gave it to prime. ,, Well, next stop, well of the Allspark." Megatron said. Everyone entered a ship and left for the well. ,, But we need to safely place it too the core of our planet how are we going to do that?" Ratchet asked worried. Everyone knows that was suicide mission and they started to wonder. ,,I know " Starscream said while typing something in the computer,,We can modify one of my training drones to carry it down there." He showed them the design of the drone on the screen. Everyone agreed that it was possible and started doing that. ,, You have training drones?" Bumblebee asked. ,, Well yes but since there's no new seekers and I already passed the training we forgot about them." He answered. After 50 minutes they made it to the well wit a drone and put a fragment on it. It showed the destination and flew up in the sky. It made a turn in the air and went into the well. Nothing was heard for couple of minutes when all of a sudden the whole planet started glowing blue and everything started to repair itself. Rust was gone, broken metal was fixed and everything was back to normal like before the war. Everyone was amazed, they never saw such a power. They are happy cheering when out of nowhere two small sparks flew out of the well. They are soon followed by others and sure enough, It was raining sparks. Everyone was happy that they didn't noticed Megatron and Starscream on the dock of the ship alone. They looked at the people down there and realized how happy they are. Megatron took Starscream's hand and Starscream came closer. They looked at each other. Both of them are happy for everyone but especially for their lover. They both kissed while thousands of sparks are getting out of the well giving hope for better future.

The end.

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