Huge help

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The preparation for the traveling back to Cybertron are going fine. In the main room All autobots and decepticons discuss who wants to stay on Earth. ,,We need someone to guide our base here on Earth so does anyone want to stay?" Optimus asked when all of a sudden Bulkhead, Arcee and Bumblebee yelled: ,,We want to stay." ,, Fine " Optimus just added. Megatron was looking at his solders: ,,To be fair someone also need to stay from decepticon side so anyone wants to stay voluntarily or should I choose?" It's not a secret that decepticons hate Earth but all of a sudden Knockout raised his hand:,, I can stay, they need medic in case they got hurt Soo." ,, Very good then we are comp… wait a second, where's Starscream?" Megatron looked around the room but he was not there. Everyone looked at each other but still he's nowhere to be found. All of a sudden they heard a loud complaining and at the door was Starscream covered in mud and leaves.,, Stupid rain forest and mud, WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!?" He yelled while also holding something in his arm,,I called you 17 times on the com link and not a single word." ,, What, how, where have you been in the first place and what happened to you?" Megatron asked while holding his hand on his face. ,,I went flying like always and I picked up some signals from the rainforest near by and whent to check it out, I called you because I feel down in the big hole and needed help but no one came I don't know how but I got out and picked this." He said angry. Megatron was ashamed, he promised to protect him but this was unexpected. Now he really needs to make up for him. ,, What that thing?" Asked Smokescreen while pointing at the container Starscream carried. ,,I don't know, I didn't want to open it, it also don't have a simbol so it's more of a mystery." He said while cleaning leaves from his arms. ,, Well let's open it." Smokescreen said while Megatron twisted the cap and opened it. Inside was a container in shape of a tube full of something blue and shiney.,, Impossible " Said Optimus, Starscream, Megatron and Soundwave at a same time.,, What is it?" Asked Skylinx curious.,,Well" Optimus continue,, There a legend they during a golden age a part of the spark of our home fell apart and our ancestors send it in the universe with four key to unlock the omega lock that has enough power to re build Cybertron from scratch. Looks like Starscream found it." Everyone was shocked that means with enough power the Cybertron will be re build in a couple of years. ,, Optimus that's amazing but where are we going to find omega keys?" All of a sudden Ratchet asked curious. ,, Maybe they are also hidden in this planet, Starscream is this only signal that you have?" Megatron asked him and he answered.,,No there's other near our mine, it's not strong like this one but still it's not the average energon signal ." ,,We need to check it out now" Optimus said while turning to Soundwave,, can you brige us there?" Soundwawe nodded and opened the portal. Megatron and Optimus got there while Starscream went to clean himself up. At the coordinates they saw a capsule that was having some old Cybertronian simbols. It was surprisingly heavy so Megatron needed Optimuse's help to take it onboard. At the ship everyone tried to open it or to decode the writing but to no effort. ,, Maybe we should try force "  said Bulkhead smashing his fist against his hand.,,ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?" Ratchet said while slowly getting his wrench ready to trow it in the air,, We don't know what's inside, we may break it." At that moment Starscream showed up. ,, Viecon told me about the capsule so how's it going?" He asked.,,Not a single effort."Said Knockout.,, Well" Starscream continued while raising his claw,, Looks like we need a persecutive maintenance." As soon as he finished he scratched the capsule open. It was very precise cut that didn't damaged the inside. ,, That wasn't your best idea Starscream." Knockout said while pointing at his claw that was bleeding. At that moment Optimus decided to take a look inside it and found some type of data pad. It had some old Cybertronian simbols on it and it needed to be decoded. Soundwawe was looking at it and all of a sudden he remembered. ,, This was old Cybertronian language spoken by our ancestors, half of it was translated so if we translate other half we would get the answers." He said while tracing his finger on the capsule. ,,Yes I now remember it" Optimus said,, I think I can translate it with your help." They continue talking when Starscream got a message from com link. ,, Commander Starscream we need you at the ground brige." He quietly left while others continue talking. While walking he suddenly felt Sharp pain in his chest. It was serious but he still manage to com in the room. ,, What is the issue?" He asked. ,,We found out that Cybertronian plaque is on the ship." Viecon said while pointing at some energon cubes next to the bridge control.,, We found them in the energon storage unit and we need Knockout's help to see if anyone is infected." Starscream was scared to death, Cybertronian plaque is the most dangerous illness on the planet. He called Megatron immideatly,, Megatron we have a highest biohazard alarm on the ship". ,, WHAT!?" He yelled wondering what happened. ,, Some viecons found energon infected with Cybertronian plaque and now I need to see Knockout to check what happened." But how did this happend?" As soon as Starscream opened his mouth to answer the pain in his chest became unbearable and he felt dizzy. . ,, Hello, Starscream?" Megatron called him on the com link only to hear a loud banging. At that moment Starscream fell on the floor unconscious. ,, Starscream, STARSCREAM!" Megatron called but nothing can be heard. All of a sudden he bursted out of the room with Ratchet hoping that it's not what he was thinking.

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