Alana And Nat Go Shopping

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Chapter 6

At the Avengers Tower, Clint was still fussing about Alana going out with Loki. "How could you let this happen, Thor? I thought you were going to look after my sister." Thor answered, "I did look out for her. When I didn't hear from her within 30 minutes, I went in there to check on her." Clint said, "What do you mean when you didn't hear from her within 30 minutes? I thought you weren't going to leave her alone with him." Thor responded, "Alana wanted to go into the club by herself and talk to Loki." Clint exclaimed, "And YOU LET HER!!!! What if Loki had tried something with my sister. Then what?" Thor said, "But he didn't. He might be the God of Mischief, but he is also a prince of Asgard. So, he wouldn't do anything like that." Clint replied, "You mean you actually believe that garbage!!!" Thor answered, "Yes, I do. Loki wouldn't do anything like that with your sister. He has his morals." Clint responded, "Yeah, and they all are bad!" Thor said, "I don't like what you are implying that my brother will do to your sister." Clint said, "I'm not implying anything, I know it for a fact that he can't be trusted!!" Especially with my sister!" Thor said, "Your sister is old enough to make her own decisions without your approval." Captain America gets in between Clint and Thor. "Whoa guys. There's no need for all of this friction between the two of you. Clint, Thor is right your sister is old enough to make her own decisions. Thor, Clint also has a good point, we know that your brother can't be trusted especially with a mortal, which is what his sister is." Thor replied, "I know that my brother has had his run ins with mortals before but even he could change." Clint answered, "And why would he all of a sudden change his ways towards mortals?" Thor answered, "I don't know, unless he likes her, which is quite possible because your sister is quite beautiful." Clint said, "You're not helping Thor. All that tells me is that I really need to be concerned about my sister going out with your brother." Thor replied, "Well, you shouldn't because he won't hurt her especially if he likes her." Clint said, "You got that right because I'm going along with her to make sure that he doesn't try anything with my sister!" Thor said, "You do that, and he just might end up hurting her because he will think that she put you up to it not knowing that you did this on your own and you don't want your sister hurt, do you." Clint gets very quiet then said, "Fine Thor! I won't go along but he better not hurt her or else." Thor answers, "I have no doubt that he won't hurt her as long as you stay away."

At the dress shop, Alana and Nat were looking for the perfect dress for Alana to wear tonight. Nat asked Alana, "Do you have any idea on what type of dress you want?" Alana said, "No, I don't. I don't wear many sexy dresses. So, this is all new to me." Nat replied, "Don't worry, we will find something for you to wear." They looked around the shop until they found something. Nat asked Alana, "Do you really think that you can trust Loki?" Alana answered, "I don't know but I have to try. Especially if I want him to come to the Avengers Tower to talk to Thor and then go back to Asgard." Nat found a dress that she thought Loki would like. Nat holds up the dress and asks Alana, "What do you think about this one?" Alana said, "It's nice, but don't you think it's a little bit too revealing?" Nat said, "Maybe, but it is what I think Loki is looking for, sexy and elegant." Alana said, "Oh, well if Clint isn't mad now, he will be when he sees this dress." Nat tells Alana, "Just remember why you are doing this, it's for the mission and that's all." Alana answered, "I know but trying to tell that to Clint." Nat responded, "Clint is just worried about you, that's all. Plus, he can't seem to see you as a grown woman, only as a child." Alana asked Nat, "Well, how am I going to make him see me as a grown woman and not a child?" Nat answered, "I don't know, Alana but you standing your ground about going on this date with Loki is a good way to start." Alana said, "When I give someone my word then I do what I say, even if it's Loki." Nat tells Alana, "I know that you can handle yourself and I think Clint knows it too, he just doesn't want to admit it." Nat said, "But, you are getting off to a good start by buying this dress." Alana said, "Yeah, the dress. Nat, I have never worn anything like this before so I'm a little nervous." Nat said, "Just remember to keep your head and tell yourself that it is just a mission, and you will be fine." Alana nodded her head "yes".    

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