The Coronation Is Moved Up

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Chapter 27

When they reached the throne room, they could see that the All Father wasn't doing very well. Loki tells his father, "I'm here father and I have Alana with me." Odin looked up to see his youngest son standing there and said in a weakened voice, "My son we don't have much time left. I'm slowly dying. We need to do the coronation and Alana's transformation ceremony now." Loki looked up at Odin with tears in his eyes. Even though he was adopted, Odin was the only father that he had ever known, and it was hurting him to see his adopted father in such a bad condition. Loki tells his father, "I'm ready when you are father." Alana said, "So, I'm I."

Odin tapped his staff on the floor and two guards appeared. Odin said, "Make the announcement that Prince Loki's coronation will be today as will the transformation ceremony of Alana." The guards bowed then left to do as Odin said. Loki asked his father, "Is there anything that I can do for you?" Odin answered, "No my son, you taking the throne and becoming king is enough for me." Loki said, "Father, you need to rest now before the coronation and the transformation ceremony." Odin replied, "No my son. There are things that I have to do before the proceedings take place." Loki asked his father again, "Is there anything that I can do father to help lighten your load?" Odin coughed and said, "No my son." Odin stood up and started slowly walking down the steps that reached the floor. Loki helped his father to come down off the throne and walk down the steps. Odin coughed and said, "Thank you my son." Loki said, "You are welcome father." 

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