Alana Goes Out With Loki

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Chapter 8

Loki takes Alana by the arm and leads her into the restaurant. Once inside the restaurant, Loki tells the hostess to find them a booth that was private. So, the hostess leads them to a booth in the back of the restaurant. Loki lets Alana sit down first then he slides in the booth beside her. Loki asks Alana. "What would you like to drink?" Alana answers, "I'm not sure." Loki asked Alana, "Would you like for me to order for you?" Alana answered, "Yes, that would be fine." So, Loki got the attention of the waiter. When the waiter comes over, he asks Loki, "How may I serve you tonight?" Loki tells the waiter, "Bring us a bottle of your finest champagne." The waiter said, "As you wish, sir." Alana asks Loki, "What are you doing? Do you know how much the finest champagne cost? It's a lot." Loki said, "Don't worry, beautiful. I have it covered." Loki asks Alana, "What would you like to eat, beautiful?" Alana answered, "I don't know, and my name is Alana, not beautiful." Loki smiles at Alana then replies, "I know what your name is. I just like calling you beautiful because that's exactly what you are." Alana knew she wasn't going to change his mind, so she just let it go. Loki asks Alana, "I can order for you if you want me too?" Alana replies, "That's fine." So, Loki ordered them a fabulous dinner of Fillet Mignon, roasted potatoes and elegant vegetables. When champagne arrived, the waiter poured them a glass each. Loki tells the waiter, "Thank you." After the waiter left, Loki took his glass and said, "A toast to you....beautiful." Alana picks up her glass and then clicks glasses. Then take a drink of the champagne. Loki asks Alana, "Do you enjoy the champagne?" Alana answers, "Yes, I do." Then the food arrives, and the waiter serves it. Alana replies, "This is absolutely beautiful and amazing." Loki smiles at Alana then tells her, "Enjoy it beautiful." Alana started to tell Loki not to call her that but knew it wouldn't do any good.

As they ate their supper and drank champagne, they started talking about different things. Alana asks Loki, "What will you do once you're King of Asgard?" Loki answers, "I haven't given it much thought." Alana asks Loki, "Do you have some lucky princess waiting for you on Asgard?" Loki looked at Alana with big eyes then answered, "No there's no princess on Asgard waiting for me." Alana said, "I would think that you would have them lined up waiting on your return." Loki asked Alana, "What makes you think that?" Alana said, "Well, you're not a bad looking man. In fact, you're quite handsome." Loki smiled at Alana then answered, "Thank you beautiful. How about you? Do you have a boyfriend or husband?" Alana answered, "No I don't to both questions." Loki replied, "I found that hard to believe. Especially, since you are so beautiful." Alana smiled shyly and said, "Thank you for your kind words." Loki smiled and said, "You are very welcome but I'm just being completely honest with you. You are very beautiful." Alana smiles shyly. Then said, "Well, I find it hard to believe that you don't have a beautiful princess or two waiting for you on Asgard." Loki replied, "Well, I have had a princess or two in the past but no one currently." Alana said, "I knew it. So, what's so different now, if you don't mind my asking?" Loki replied, "No not at all. Most of the princesses have figured out that I'm known as the God of Mischief and Lies. So, they don't really trust me." Alana said, "Well, that's their loss, because you are quite charming and interesting." Loki smiled at Alana and said, "Why thank you, beautiful." 

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