Loki And Alana Go To See Frigga

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Chapter 28

Alana asks Loki, "Do you think that your father will be able to perform the coronation and be there with your mother when she performs the transformation spell on me?" Loki replies, "I hope so. I didn't realize that he was this sick when Thor told me." Alana said, "I'm sorry that your father is so sick." Loki replied, "I'm glad that you convinced me to come back to Asgard." Alana said, "I just did what Thor asked me to do, which was to bring you to the Avengers Tower to talk to him." Loki said, "I feel bad now that I called him an old man." Alana replies, "Well, your father isn't young anymore, so you didn't mean anything by it." Loki said, "But I said it out of spite." Alana puts her hand on Loki's shoulder to try and comfort him.

As Loki watched his father walk away slowly, he wondered if he was going to be ok. Loki saw his father talking to his advisers. Loki figured that his father was arranging for the coronation. Loki turns and looks at Alana then says, "Let's go and see my mother." Alana asked, "Why?" Loki said, "I need to talk to her about my father." Alana asks, "What about your father?" Loki answers, "I need to know if she thinks that father will be able to perform the coronation." Alana asked Loki, "Do you think she would know if your father will be able to do it." Loki answered, "I don't know but I have to try." So, Loki walks up to his father and tells him, "Father, if you don't need us anymore, then Alana and I will leave now." Odin looked at Loki and said, "No my son, I don't need you anymore, you may leave." Loki bowed before his father then left. After they leave Odin, Loki and Alana went to see Frigga. When they arrived at Frigga's chambers, Loki knocked on the door. When Frigga came to the door, she said, "Loki and Alana, what a pleasant surprise. Come in." Loki and Alana walked into Frigga's chambers. Frigga asked Loki, "Now what can I do for you?" Loki said, "Mother, I'm worried about father. He doesn't look good. Do you think that he'll be able to perform the coronation?" Frigga said, "Yes, I believe that your father will be able to perform the coronation. He had been holding on for this very day." Loki asked his mother, "What happened to, father? What has caused his illness?" Frigga answered, "Your father has been sick for a long time my son, but he has refused to give in to it until one of his sons come to relieve him of the throne. That is why he is still holding on, but I fear once he has done the coronation that your father will give in to his illness." Loki looked down at the floor and started to tear up a little bit. Frigga sees her son obviously upset and says, "Don't worry my son, your father welcomes his long sleep in Valhalla. He had prepared himself for his death, that's why he agreed to lift your banishment because he wanted to make things right with you before he pass on to Valhalla." Loki asked his mother. "Can't the healers do something to save his life?" Frigga answered, "No, my son they can not. He has gone to the healers for their advice, but they didn't have any good news for him. Your father grows old and his time on Asgard grows near." Loki went quiet for a while then said, "I will never be the king that my father was." Frigga said, "You will be better my son because you have been preparing yourself for a long time to be king." Loki said, "But I never wanted the throne like this." Frigga said, "I know my son, but the time has come for you to become the new king of Asgard."   

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