Loki And Alana Arrive On Asgard

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Chapter 15

When Loki and Alana arrived on Asgard, they were greeted by Heimdall. Loki tells Heimdall, "This is my future queen, Alana." Heimdall replies, "Yes, I know. Welcome to Asgard my lady." Alana asks Loki, "How did he know who I am?" Loki tells Alana "Heimdall sees all because he is the all seeing gatekeeper of Asgard." Alana replies, "I hope he doesn't see EVERYTHING." Loki just laughed and said, "No my beauty. He does give us our privacy." Loki asks Alana, "So, what do you think about Agard?" Alana replies, "It's absolutely beautiful! I have never seen anything as beautiful as this." Loki said, "I have ....you." Alana drops her head in a shy manner. Loki asks Heimdall, "Where is my father?" Heimdall answers, "The All Father is in his throne room awaiting your arrival."

So, Loki and Alana start to head for the throne room when Alana tells Loki, "I feel out of place being here." Loki tells Alana, "You are not of place, beautiful." She replies, "I sure feel like it." Just then Loki realized what she meant by her statement. She was referring to her clothes being out of place. Loki looked at Alana and said, "I'll take care of that." So, he waved his hand and Alana had on new clothes. Loki asked Alana, "Is that better, beautiful?" Alana looked down and saw that she was wearing a long green dress with off the shoulder top and green lace on the bottom of the gown. Alana said, "This is gorgeous." Loki just smiled at Alana and said, "Only because you are wearing it."

Alana asked Loki, "You ARE serious about making me your queen, aren't you?" Loki answered, "Of course beautiful. Why do you ask?" Alana said, "Because I thought you were joking about it at first but you're not." Loki answered, "No, I'm not joking about it. I'm very serious about it." Loki continues, "I thought you knew that I was serious and that was the reason you agreed to come to Asgard." Alana replied, "I thought you were just saying it to get Clint mad and off of my back." Loki answered, "No beautiful. That wasn't the reason why I said that I wanted to make you, my queen." Loki continues, "Are telling me that the only reason that you agreed to come to Asgard was to make Clint mad?" Alana answered, "Yes, I did but now I see that you are serious about it." Loki asked Alana, "So, are you going to stay here on Asgard and be my queen?" Alana answered, "I don't know. I have to rethink all of this since I know you were not joking." Loki said, "I don't want to take you back to Midgard. I want you to stay here with me on Asgard and be my queen." Alana said, "I will have to rethink this." Loki said, "I know that you love me beautiful so, why do you have to rethink anything?" Alana said, "Because I wasn't prepared for this." Loki said, "Just don't let my father know that you didn't know the reason, I brought you here. He will think that I made you come or kidnapped you." Alana said, "But you didn't, I just misunderstood." Loki said, "My father won't see it that way." Alana said, "Ok I won't let anyone know that I misunderstood you." Loki said mischievously, "As long as I have you here alone, I just might be able to change your mind about being my queen." Alana started to blush with embarrassment.

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