Loki And Alana Go To Asgard

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Chapter 14

Loki and Alana were standing outside of Avengers Tower. Alana asks Loki, "What will it be like on Asgard and traveling on the bi frost?" Loki answers, "I think you will like Asgard. It's beautiful...just like you. As far as the bi frost goes, it's really very simple. All you have to do is just hold on to me and we will arrive on Asgard in a matter of seconds." Alana said, "Well, I guess we better go now." As Loki and Alana were getting ready to leave, Clint showed up and tried to stop them. "Alana!, Alana! Wait! Don't go!" Clint tells Alana, "You can't go away with him. He's not good enough for you." Alana tells her brother, "You don't know him like I do, he's kind and gentle. Plus, he really loves me." Clint asks, "How do you know that? You haven't known him that long. You only went out on one date, which I didn't approve of. You don't know what he has done in the past." Alana said, "I know about his past and what he has done because I had access to the tower's database too but he's different now." Clint tells his sister, "Don't you remember that it was him who attacked New York and killed over a million people. Is that who you want to spend the rest of your life with?" Alana said, "I have known him long enough to know that I'm in love with him." Clint said, "How could you? He's a monster." Alana said, "He's no monster, Clint!"

Captain America tells Clint, "Alana is not a kid anymore, Clint. You have to let her go and have a life of her own." Clint tells Captain America, "But out of it Cap she's my sister and I will do what I have to do to protect her." Alana tells her brother again, "I don't need your protection anymore. If I need any protection, then Loki will do it." Clint replied, "But he doesn't really love you. He's just using you to get back at us for taking him down." Alana answered, "How can you say that about him? When you know how I feel about him." Clint replied, "Because I don't want you to get hurt by him." Alana replied, "The only one who's hurting me right now is YOU!" Alana continues, "Just let me be happy Clint." Clint just shakes his head "yes." Clint finally said, "Ok, Alana. You win. I'll back off. I just hope that you know what you are doing." Alana answered, "I do." So, Clint lets his sister go with Loki to Asgard.

Loki tells Alana, "Hold on to me tight." Then Loki calls out to Heimdall, and the bi frost opens up. Then a bright light shines down and takes them away. Clint asks Thor, "Will she be alright with your brother?" Thor answers, "Yes, she will. As long as she holds on to him then she'll be safe passing through the bi frost." Clint said, "I mean will she be safe on Asgard?" Thor answered, "Yes, she will. Loki will see to it." Clint said, "I knew that one day I would have to let her go but I never thought it would be to someone from a different planet."   

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