The Coronation And Wedding Day

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Chapter 30

Several hours later, Odin's staff had the throne room decorated for the coronation and wedding. Alana picked out a wedding gown with the help from Frigga that was suited for a queen. The gown that she picked was a one with a long train, it had a v-neck top with see through lace going across the neck area, it had long laced sleeves and around her waist were pearls going down the front of the gown and she wore shoes with pearls on them. In Loki's room he was getting ready as well. He wore his traditional green and gold armor with his horned helmet. The marriage between Loki and Alana took place first. Odin stood in front of his throne with Loki's standing on his left. Frigga stood on his right side. Loki was nervous and excited at the same time. When the big golden doors opened, Alana stood there in the entrance waiting for Odin to motion for her to come down the aisle. Odin then motions for her to walk down the aisle. As Alana walked down the aisle, her heart was just fluttering inside her chest. When she finally reached the throne where Loki was standing. Loki looked at his future queen and his heart was also fluttering hard inside of his chest. Loki reached out and took Alana's hands. Odin raised his staff, Gungnir then tapped the floor two times as a sign that the wedding was about to begin. Odin said, "We are gathered here today to witness the union of my son, Prince Loki to Alana Barton of Midgard." There was talk amongst the crowd. Odin tapped his staff on the floor and said, "Silence!" Everyone gets quiet.

Then Odin proceeds with the wedding. He asked Alana a few questions, "Do you fair maiden of Midgard promise to uphold the Asgardian traditions?", Alana answers, "Yes your majesty.", Odin continues, "Will you defend the throne from any threat that may come?", Alana answers, "Yes your majesty.", Odina continues, "Do you pledge your faithfulness and loyalty to your future king, Loki of Asgard?" Alana answers, "Yes your majesty.", Odin asks "Do you Alana of Midgard, swear to stand by your future king in all matters of the kingdom?" Alana answers, "Yes your majesty." Odin asks one last question, "Will you continue the royal bloodline of Odinson?" Alana answers, "Yes your majesty." With that Odin tapped his staff on the floor. Then announces to the guests, "I Odin, the All Father hereby claim this marriage is official and that Alana shall be part of the royal family as queen of Asgard. Should there be anyone here who objects, let it be known now." There was silence among the guests. "I, Odin, proclaim them to be king and queen of Asgard." There were cheers from the guests in the palace as they kissed for the first time as husband and wife. 

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