Loki And Alana Leave Loki's Bedroom

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Chapter 25

As Loki was kissing Alana, he climbed on top of her and started to make love to her again. This time they were in the bathtub making love. Alana knew what he was attempting to do, so she tried pushing him away, but it didn't work. Alana pulled away from Loki and said, "We can't do this right now." Loki asked Alana. "Why not? I enjoy making love to you, I would make love to you all day long if you would let me." Alana tells Loki, "My legs still hurt from all of those other times that we made love." Loki said, "Ok beautiful. I'll give you a rest period but ONLY until your legs stop hurting."

Loki stood up in the tub and then pulled Alana to her feet. Then they stepped out of the tub. Loki held Alana close to him and kissed her deeply. Then they dried each other off. Loki then magically dressed and teleported them back into the hallway. Loki said, "See nobody knows that we were even missing. So, they are none the wiser." Alana replied, "What about Heimdall? What if he saw us?" Loki said, "I told you beautiful that he doesn't spy on us when we are in our private chambers. So, he didn't see anything." Alana asked Loki, "But how does he know when you are in the privacy of your chambers if he does look to see?" Loki said, "Trust me, beautiful he didn't see anything." Alana said, "I don't understand how he could NOT see anything when he first has to see someone doing something before, he knows that they are in the privacy of their own chambers." Loki reassures her, "Trust me beautiful, he didn't see a thing because he doesn't look into our private chambers." 

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