Odin Summons Loki And Alana

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Chapter 26

About that time, a guard came around the corner. The guard bowed before Loki and said, "Your highness, your father wishes to see you and my lady Alana." Loki answered, "Tell my father that I will be long shortly." The guard bows before Loki and then leaves. Alana got nervous and said, "See, something is wrong. I bet Heimdall told your father what we did and now he's going to be mad." Loki tries to calm Alana down by saying, "Don't worry, beautiful. That's not what's going to happen, I promise you." Alana asked, "Then what does he want with us?" Loki said, "I guess we will find out soon enough." Then they left to go to the throne room.

In his throne room, Odin was waiting for Loki and Alana to arrive so he could talk to them about Loki's coronation and Alana's transformation ceremony. When Loki and Alana arrive at the throne room, Loki tells the guards that his father sent for them. So, the guards allowed them to enter. As Loki and Alana walked into the throne room, they could see Odin sitting on his throne and he looked very weak and frail. Loki was worried that his father wouldn't last until the coronation or the transformation of Alana becoming an immortal. Alana tells Loki, "Your father doesn't look well at all." Loki agrees with Alana, "I know. I just hope he can last until the coronation and your transformation ceremony." Alana asks. "What if he doesn't make it? Will you still be king?" Loki says, "Yes, because my mother could perform the coronation in place of my father, but I hope that doesn't happen. I hope that my father can hold out long enough for him to perform the coronation."  

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