Bad Date

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✨light smut✨

How lame. Another bad date. I stand up, ready to hit a bar after the awful day I just had. I let out a sigh leaving the expensive restaurant.

The cold air hits my bare legs making me shiver. The red dress I'm wearing was a bad choice with the current weather.

I make my way down the street to my favorite bar, thinking back to the date I just had. He was a sports fanatic and wouldn't stop talking about his ex.

Most people I go on dates with aren't really anyone I could see myself in a long term relationship with. They always lack a few things that I need.

I need someone loving and submissive, that I can get along with. All the people I've seen have been a little too dominant, or they find the idea of submitting to a woman weird.

I finally reached the bar. The familiar smell makes me smile and I feel better just being inside.

I go to the bar talking with the bartender and ordering a drink. His name is Steven and he knows I come here after all my bad dates.

He talks about how his youngest daughter is driving him crazy with the new instrument she just took up.

He asks me about my date and we talk for a few before he goes to help out a different customer. I look around the bar, sipping my cocktail, one leg folded over the other.

I couldn't sleep with that guy I had a date with since I didn't want him to hit me up for another date, but I am feeling a bit pent up and could use some sexual release.

I don't see anyone particularly interesting so I go back to drinking, planning to go home after I finish it. The sweet, and slightly sour, strawberry cocktail, is just what I needed to improve my mood.


I finish my drink and pay, heading to the door when a voice catches my attention.

"Yeah she wasn't into it. She likes to be dominated or completely vanilla sex, which is fine, but when it comes to something I might enjoy, she is completely against it." A deep male voice says.

Normally I would ignore something like this since everyone here is drinking for some reason and it's none of my business, but his next words get me curious.

"We broke up, she just isn't what I'm looking for. I want a strong woman, a dominant woman..." I stop in my tracks. He almost sounds like what I'm looking for. If not for a good lay, perhaps something more.

I need to know who this is, what he looks like. I turn my head, unfortunately he is seated facing away from me while he talks on the phone.

All I can tell is his hair is black and he has a lean build. I guess it won't hurt to take a chance, I'll just approach him.

He gets off the phone and I decide to make my move. I order a drink and gather my courage to talk to him.

I go around his table taking the seat in front of him. I get a look at him for the first time, and let me just say, he's drop dead gorgeous.

His black hair is messy and pairs nicely with his pale skin. He has dark brown eyes and watches me calmly as I sit in front of him.

He looks kind of familiar and I notice his drink is nearly empty. Maybe I can buy him a new one and use that as my in.

"Hey, I thought you were really handsome. Maybe we can get to know each other a little. Can I buy you a drink?" I say, with a smile.

"Oh no it's okay, I was planning to head home in a minute." He says with a shy smile.

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