December 22 2007

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️

⚠️blood, death⚠️

"Indigo... your not second guessing wanting to see me... are you?" I face towards the doors not looking at him. "I know I can be a bit hard to deal with, and I get off on the risk factor of sneaking around if I'm being honest, but I hope your not actually mad for what I did earlier. If you are, I won't do it again."

"I'm not mad. I know there wasn't any real risk but I kind of enjoyed it too. Don't tell anyone but I also like sneaking around with you." He throws me a wink and smiles as the elevator doors open.

I smile too feeling giddy. I'm glad he didn't mind because if he was okay with it, I definitely wanted to come visit him more often.

We head out to my car and decide on going to get gimbap. I drive to a little non-busy restaurant run by a sweet older woman. She gets our orders and makes small talk with us while making the food.

"So are you two dating? You're both very good looking." Indigo picks up his cup and drinks a sip of tea. He looks at me as if expecting me to answer.

"Uh no- we work together." I glance back at him and he says nothing of my answer.

"Oh that's odd for a pair as good looking as you. I have to say I'm very surprised." She looks up from the food and clicks her tongue. "I have a few grandsons about your age. You can take your pick. They would be happy to marry a pretty girl like you."

She laughs but I think she's seriously trying to set me up. I laugh too but Indigo looks unamused by the idea.

"I'm okay for now. I'm not really looking for anyone at the moment." I say and she sighs disappointedly.

"Thats really too bad. My grandsons are nice boys. Let me know if you change your mind." She sets down a tray on the table and we nod our thanks. She goes off to attend to a new table and I grab my chopsticks, digging in.

"Are you feeling okay? You've barely touched the food." I ask after noticing Indigo picking at the food.

"I'm suddenly not very hungry." He sighs setting down his chopsticks. He looks into my eyes as if he's searching for something.

"Would you be hungrier if I hand fed you." I joke holding out my gimbap for him. He looks at it but doesn't make a move to eat it. I raise a brow then set it down.

"June... what are we doing here?" He looks more serious than I think I've ever seen him.

"Well I thought we were eating gimbap but it looks like that's not happening anymore." I set my chopsticks down and give Indigo my undivided attention.

"That's not what I meant. I want to know why your doing this. Why do you keep bringing me out on dates and acting like there's something more between us if you're not looking to date anyone at the moment." He clenches his jaw as if he's having some internal debate.

"Well I'm doing that because I'm interested in you and I'm not looking to date anyone else because I already found what I'm looking for." I rest my head on my hand urging him to put the pieces together himself.

"June-" He's cut off by a phone ringing. I grab my phone but it's not actually mine this time. He pulls out his phone and I let out an exaggerated breath.

"Is that important?" I ask after he stares down at the caller ID for a moment.

"I- yes I think so. I've gotta take this." He stands and exits the little restaurant. I frown as I watch him leave.

The old woman working comes over to my table and sits where Indigo was. She looks over my face then let's out a laugh.

"You like that boy that you came in with don't you? Your eyes say it all. Why aren't you guys dating?" She laughs again and I let out a huff.

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