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"Oh no I don't have a problem with that. It's just that your whole apartment is very modern and nothing is really out of place. But this is..." He strays off and looks at the toothbrush, I then realized why he gave it a strange look.

My toothbrush is actually a light pink wooden one, with hello kitty engraved into it. The engraved lines are painted silver so they stand out even better.

"It was a present! Don't judge me." I glare at him and he laughs.

"I wasn't. Don't worry. I actually think it's cute. Who knew Miss. big bad dom, secretly loves hello kitty." He smiles and begins to brush his teeth. I huff and roll my eyes.

"You sure seem confident today. I barely even recognized you as the same boy who called their self a dirty slut, and begged me to touch them just yesterday." I play innocent and twirl a strand of hair around my finger. He nearly chokes.

He spits out the toothpaste and wipes his mouth before turning to me. I raise an eyebrow to see if he'll challenge me but he backs down.

"How about I make us some breakfast? You're probably hungery after yesterday. There's also a bunch of clothes in my closet, so feel free to wear anything you like." He nods and I walk off towards the kitchen.

I start to make some rolled omelets, and waffles with strawberries. I'm not sure if he is a sweet or salty person so I figure he'd like options.

Indigo comes in a few minutes later wearing a white tank top that shows the slightest sliver of skin between the end of the shirt and his pants. He has black jeans painted with white stars on them, and an opened button down over the top. He smiles and sits at the kitchen aisle.

I prepare both of us a plate then set one down in front of him. I take the seat beside him then dig in.

"These are so good! I didn't know that you liked to cook." He says after taking a bite of the chocolate chip waffle.

"Well both of these are pretty basic. I don't usually spend much time cooking but when I do I like to make quick simple things." I say before taking a bite of my food.

"Well they're still really good. I never got the chance to try cooking before since I was training to be an idol. I probably wouldn't be good at it anyways." He eats a few strawberries and I get an idea.

"How about I teach you a few things for our next date? Like a cooking class." I say and his eyes light up.

"Really? That would be great! I honestly didn't know if this date was just because you wanted to have sex with me, or you were actually interested in me." He smiles.

"To tell the truth, you're actually the first person I've ever had a romantic interest in." I say and pick at my food.

"Wait. You've never dated before?" He asks and sets his chopsticks down.

"No I have but... you could say I wasn't the best girlfriend. This is the most effort I have ever put into another person. Usually others pursue me first, and I'd date them till I get bored. Then we would break up." I bite my cheek hoping I don't sound like a completely awful person.

"Do you also plan to date me till you get bored, then break up with me?" he says and my eyes get wide.

"No! I- I actually like you and I would like to be near you as long as you will let me." I blush. Confessing to others is a foreign concept and it makes me feel shy.

"I would like that as well, so lets keep seeing each other." He takes hold of my hand and I feel my heart flutter. I hear my phone start ringing and I'm a bit upset that someone called and ruined this moment.

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