Breaking Him

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"Okay." He blushes then moves to do what I said. He gets on all fours and I get the perfect view of his ass. He looks back at me with nervous anticipation and I smile. Breaking him is going to be a lot of fun.

I stand behind him and run my hands up his thighs then squeeze his ass. I massage it gently and spread his cheeks. His asshole is a tight pink little star. I let go then run a hand up his back.

"Is it okay if I finger you?" He hesitates and I withdraw completely.

"I'm I- Yes.. you can." He says and I feel the need to reassure him. I pull him back towards my body, so now he's only on his knees. His back is flush with my chest and I wrap my arms around his waist.

"Hey don't be so nervous. I want this experience to be pleasurable for you. If you don't think your ready, I have other ways." I rub back and forth on his stomach and he relaxes a bit.

"Okay... I think I'm ready." I kiss his shoulder. His perfect glass skin shines. It's like he has no flaws.

"Mmh do you remember your safeword?" I run kisses across his shoulder and the side of his neck.

"It's peaches." I hum with approval then kiss his neck. I pull back but my hands stay on his hips.

"Bend over for me baby." He looks back at me then does what I say. I grab the bottle of lube then squirt some on my fingers. I set the bottle aside and use my other hand to spread his ass cheeks apart.

"Ah!" He whines when the lube touches his entrance. I massage the slippery substance all over his asshole and make sure it's properly coated.

I add more lube onto my fingers and swirl my middle finger around his hole. I ease my way in and he is still very tight.

"Relax your body for me." He does what I say and I'm able to push in a little further. "Good boy." I stay like this for a few moments so he can get use to the feeling then I start to withdraw.

Once I'm almost completely out I push back in. Indigo twitches and let's out several whiney moans. I continue to withdraw almost completely then push back in repeatedly for a few minutes, then I add another finger.

"Fuck. You're taking all of this so good. You're such a filthy little whore." I slap his ass and he lets out a whimper. "Can I go faster?"

"Mhh yes mistress~ That feels really good." I curl my fingers slightly then start to pump in much faster. "Ah shit~ mmh" He moans and his back arches.

I want to get him close but I don't want him to cum. I continue to finger fuck him and his moans grow louder. I reach forward and start to pump his cock and his whole body twitches.

His muscles tighten around my fingers as his body spasms lightly. I'm sure the new sensation is probably really intense for him. I continue to stroke his length as my fingers work.

Only a few minutes later his moans get much louder. He pants lightly and rocks gently against my hand.

"Ah~ can I please cum mommy? I feel so- so close." He barely manages to string the words together and I pull my fingers out.

"No." I smack his ass hard and he yelps. I stop touching him and he whines loudly.

"Please let me cum! I'm being SO good." He tries to sit back and I smack his ass even harder. The skin turns red and a handprint is left behind.

"I didn't say you could move. You may be being good now, but don't think I've forgotten about your attitude earlier." I grab the pink vibrator and pour lube on it. "Now shut up and take this like a good slut."

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