Late Nights

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They both pant at the end and look into each others eyes. I feel a knot twist in my stomach as I watch them. I would be lying if I said seeing Indigo like this wasn't a turn on.

The director yells cut and Indigo instantly pulls away from the girl. She blushes as he helps her stand.

I guess they didn't even get a real dom to play the role because she stumbles over herself as she scurries away timidly.

My eyes follow her until she is completely out of sight. Then I look back towards the set. Indigo's eyes are on me as he starts to undo the straps on the collar.

For some reason I wish he would keep it on. I wish that was my collar around his neck...

His fingers work to unlock the collar but there are way more straps and buckles than necessary so he struggles to take it off. I look around to see if someone might help him but the people that aren't busy make no move to help.

I let out a frustrated huff as I make my way over to him. I start to help him take off the collar. He stares down at me as I focus on freeing him.

I know that staff noticed him struggle. Why hadn't they helped? What do I even pay these people for? I sigh as I unclip the last buckle.

"Thank you." He mumbles as I pull off the collar. His cheeks are light pink and I long to graze my lips with his. I hear people mumbling nearby so I step back. I don't want to give them a reason to talk.

"Not a problem. Here." I hold out the collar and leash for him and he accepts them with a nod. "I should probably get going now." I say knowing that being around him for to long in public might cause a stir.

"I'll uh- see you later..." He clears his throat and his fingers tangle in the leashes chain. I spin on my heels and head straight for the door.


I worked a bit late today, so by the time I get home it's nearly 11. I hadn't wanted to keep Indigo since he worked hard and the last thing I want is him sleeping in my office chair, so I sent a car to drop him off earlier.

When I get inside the lights are all out. I can only assume Indigo has already gone to bed. I flip on the living room light and hear Angel's soft meows.

She sleeps on the couch and meows to acknowledge my return. I give her a quick pet and slip off my jacket. I throw it over the arm of the couch then make my way to my bedroom.

I try to be as quiet as possible incase Indigo is sleeping. I don't want to wake him so I open the door silently. I'm not met with the sounds of soft snoring however, instead quiet moans fill the air.

"Oh fuck~ mmmh! Yeah just like that~ fuck!" I peak into the room ready for the absolute worst but I'm pleased to see only Indigo in my bed.

He wears pajama pants and a baggy t-shirt. His pants are pulled down slightly and his left hand works on his very hard cock. His right hand slides under his t-shirt and I can only imagine how he's touching himself beneath it.

His eyes are closed and he isn't even aware of my presence yet. The strokes on his cock get faster and he sucks in a harsh breath.

"Oh fuck June~ please! Fuck!" His hips buck into his hand. "I'm such a good boy~ please! I need you so bad!~" His moans get more needy and I can't believe what I'm hearing.

He's touching himself while fantasizing about... me? I feel my heartbeat quicken as I watch the boy in front of me. His pace increases and his grip tightens. I see the veins in his forearm bulge and he continues to pump himself.

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