Drinking Game

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✨Lil smut✨

"Good. I don't like to teach the same lesson twice." I wiggle the tail back and forth. Indigo moans and I laugh. "Gosh, you make it to easy sometimes."

I start to take out the vibrator and Indigo writhes against the counter. I wait for his squirming to stop before trying again, but the same thing happens.

"Stop wiggling or I'll turn this on high and leave it in for the rest of the day. I'm sure by then you would lose all this extra energy and stop putting up a fight." I land one hard smack on his ass and his wiggling stops for the most part.

I remove the vibrator and toss it into the sink so I can thoroughly wash it later. His pink asshole looks a little red and abused. He clenches around nothing and I smile.

"You did so well earlier. Watching you on the edge of cumming for several hours, was really the highlight of this week. You're so pretty when you're about to cum." I release him but he says nothing. "Indigo. Your dom just gave you a compliment. What do you say?"

"I- thank you mistress." He says quickly. It takes all my self control not to laugh at his actions.

"You're welcome. You may get up now." I pat his bum and he stands up. Looking in the mirror he's much taller than me, so if it wasn't for his hard submissive energy, one might peg him as the one in charge.

We get in the shower and do our shower routine. I wash out his hair and my hair, then draw us a bath. He lays down and I sit down on one of his thighs. I rest my head on his chest. His arms wrap around me.

"Hey June..." I hum. "Earlier when you were edging me, you said you had a question. What was it?" He asks and I recall my question.

"Well I was wondering if you would mind if I peg you. I think you might like it, but because it was your first time, I figure we could just wait for now." That wasn't actually my question, but it was a question that I wanted the answer to.

"You want to fuck me... in the ass?" I look up at him and giggle.

"Mm yeah... I would actually." His eyes widen and I tilt my head. "If you're open to it we could try it out sometime."

"Uhh I'm not sure... Let me think about it." I nod and drop the topic. We spend more time in the bath talking about this and that.

The water starts to get cold and I pull the plug. I rinse the bubble bath soap off of us then get out. I grab a fluffy towel and pat myself dry, wrapping it around my body.

I grab another towel, then start to dry Indigo off. He actually lets me do the full thing. Maybe he's getting more comfortable with me.

After drying his hair I hook the towel around his waist, then grab his hand bringing him back to my room. Indigo changes back into his clothes and I pick a more practical sleeping outfit, some pajama pants and a baggy t-shirt.

We clean up the mess in my room then head back to the living room.

"What do you want to eat? You worked up a sweat earlier so you're probably hungry." I grab my phone and sit down on the couch. Indigo sits beside me and I raise my arm without looking up.

He crawls under my arm and snuggles into my side. I wrap my arm around him. The action feels surprisingly natural and familiar.

"Anything is fine. I'm not picky." He mumbles and snuggles closer. I nod and scroll through my phone. Angel who I assume was roaming the house jumps onto the arm of the couch and lays down.

"How about spicy chicken." I've been craving some spicy crispy chicken so why not throw that out there. I pet the fluffy cat and she purrs.

"That sounds good. Can we also get some dessert?" I hum and my mind gets clouded with dirty thoughts. A smile comes to my face and I blush, shaking off the thoughts.

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