Angel's Waiting

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"How about... your number? I enjoyed our time together. I'd like to do it again sometime, and this way you can pay me back later. " I say and he bites his lip.

"Sure. I would also like to see you again." He blushes and I grab a sketch book scribbling his number in it.

I set it back on my table then look over at him. Man he looks hot. Purple and red hickeys litter his body and his hair is a mess.

"You worked up a sweat, would you like to take a bath?" I ask and he nods. We go to the bathroom and I start to run a bath.

"Get in I'll wash your hair." I say. Since nothing too intense happened, it won't require much aftercare.

"It's okay. I can do it myself." He says looking flustered, but getting in anyways.

"I know, but I enjoy taking care of my partners after play. Aftercare is a big part of BDSM. The more intense a scene is the more aftercare it will require. Since what we did was pretty tame, there's not much to do. So just let me do this for you." I say

"Oh okay." He blushes, but I just smile back. I get in the tub still wearing my underwear and bra, since I want to wait to have sex on another day, and being naked in a tub seems... tempting.

I sit on his thigh so I can wash his hair, while he lays back in the tub. I rinse him off with water, then grab some soap and lather his hair.

He looks up at me while I work and blushes harder. I wonder what he's thinking of?

After I finish rinsing his hair, I do my own then get out. I grab a towel and dry myself off.

"Stay here. I'll be back in a few minutes." I say and he nods.

"Yes ma'am." He mumbles, I smile to myself and exit the bathroom. I go to my room and change out of the wet clothes and into dry ones. I put on an oversized shirt and sweats, then change the sheets on the bed.

After I finish I go to the living room and retrieve Indigo's discarded clothes, then I head back to the bathroom. I'm pleased to see that Indigo is still sitting where I left him.

His eyes are closed and I'm sure he's worn out from subbing. I stand at the door and admire the sight.

Gosh I don't think I've ever wanted something as much as I want him. I know he probably thinks this was a one night stand or I'm doing this for sex, but it's different.

I want him. I want him to be mine. Maybe that's just the lust talking or my obsessive personality, but he seems to be what I'm looking for.

I figure my staring will be weird if he opens his eyes, so I clear my throat and pretend to have just walked in.

His eyes flutter opened and I set his clothes on the counter, grabbing a clean towel. "Would you like to get out?" I ask, patiently waiting for him to get done.

"Yes." He says then stands up letting the water drip off of him for a minute. He steps out and comes over to me. I dry his hair then start drying his body.

He grabs my arm stopping me when I get to his lower stomach. "I'll do it myself."

"Sure that's fine." I hand him the towel and he finishes drying off. "Did you want to spend the night, or do you need a ride home?" I ask assuming he will probably want to leave.

"A ride home would be nice. Angel is probably waiting for me to get back and I'm a little tired." He says putting back on the clothes I had retrieved earlier.

"Yeah sure." I say watching as he slips on his sweater, now fully clothed.


Is that the girl he broke up with? Do they still live together??

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