Behind Locked Doors

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2 days later


Its been two days since the song announcement was made. I haven't seen Indigo as much as I would have liked since we've both been working.

When we get home we're both super tired and fall asleep immediately. I sigh and shut my computer. I can't seem to get him off my mind today. Perhaps I could go see him and 'check on how the song is going.'

I sit and contemplate while rubbing a shiny, smooth, purple-ish rock between my fingers. After great internal debate, I ask Daisy where Indigo is. She says she thinks he's in the studio today but wasn't sure.

I pocket my shiny rock and head down to the lower floors. I believe he's using one of the third floor studios, but I'm not entirely sure to be quite honest.

I end up asking the receptionist and she looks it up for me. A few seconds later I get my answer.

"Indigo is scheduled for studio seven. Is there... anything else I can help you with Miss. Shin." The blonde receptionist responds. Her blue doe eyes stare up at me, and she twirls a strand of hair around her finger.

"Mh no that's all for now. Thanks for the info Amelia." I smile at her and her cheeks heat up.

"Of course Miss. Shin. Let me know if I can help with anything else." I nod and turn away from the girl, heading down the hall towards studio seven.

The silver labeled seven plate hanging off the studio door soon comes into view and I stop before it. Taking a breath, I raise my hand and knock on the door.


No answer....

I try again but there is still no answer. I turn the doorknob and I'm struck by several loud voices. At first I think they're angry but after a moment I realize they're joking around.

Three staff members sit behind the recording panel blabbering about something I don't care about. Indigo sits behind the soundproof glass, in the recording room, by himself.

His headphones are on and he's writing something down in a notebook, completely oblivious to the staff members.

"How's the song going boys?" I ask standing behind the three men. Finally they break away from their conversation and realize I've entered the room. They all quickly stand and bow.

"Hello Miss. Shin. Uh- the song is going well. We were just about to go on our lunch break." A guy with glasses says, Terry I think his name was.

I check my time and realize I got here right when they would have gone on lunch.

"That's fine. I just wanted to see how the song was going. I had something to speak with Indigo about, so you may take an extra 30 minutes for lunch." I say as the men start to grab there jackets.

"Ah- thank you Miss. Shin." The younger of the men says before they grab their things and head out of the room. I lock the door behind them then flip on the red recording light so no one that has a key will enter.

Indigo is still hard at work and doesn't notice when I enter the soundproof recording room. I walk up to him and lightly tap his shoulder to get his attention. His eye snap up and he pulls his headphones down so they hang around his neck.

"Ah June~ what are you doing here? Did you come to see me because your already missing me?" He says with a smile, already starting the banter.

"Someone's awfully full of himself. I saw you this morning. I actually came to check on the song. It needs to be finished tomorrow." I point to the mic.

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