Cat Among Pigeons

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"A hiatus will be a major problem. You would need to refund all tickets to any concerts, many fans would be upset by this, and it would harm Indigo's career. Breaks in idols careers like that are financial drains. So I have a solution... drop Indigo and let him join my company." I sit back and look at him.

"What are you talking about? An idol in the midst of a scandal joining your company would harm your business. Why would you want him?" He says and I know I have to convince him.

"Well I'm actually a huge fan of Indigo's music, so seeing him on a break would make me quite sad. Plus I was already planning to sign Indigo. Now we both win. You don't have to deal with the scandal and I get what I want." I glance at Indigo again and his eyes stare intensely into mine. "Of course I'm willing to pay a good sum for him. Enough to cover financial distress, along with what you think his career is worth."

"I see... Well alright. Let's make a deal." He says and I smile. We spend a while negotiating and then finally decide I will pay a few million dollars.

I honestly believe it was totally worth it. Indigo's career isn't even at it's peak yet so he will make much more than this. If you think of it like a future investment, this was a great deal. I would probably have to pay even more if there wasn't a current scandal that Adam didn't want to deal with.

Adam terminates Indigo's current contract and I set up transfers for the money. Daisy sees Adam and his people out and I stay back with Indigo after they leave.

I sit up and stand next to Indigo's chair. He turns so I'm standing in front of him. The hat he still wears blocks my view of his pretty face so I take it off and toss it on the table. I ruffle his hair lightly so it's back to its normal fluffy state.

"So now that you're not signed with CB Group, you can sign with me. Well that is if you think that it would be best for your career." I look down at him and he looks rather starry eyed.

"Of course I'd like to sign with you. However, do you think we can continue to see each other? I'm not sure if you still want to if your going to be my boss." He says.

Although it's a bit unprofessional, I'm technically seeing him before he became my idol. At the very least that has to count for something.

"Well with the way you always take my orders, I would say I've been your boss. Now I'll just get the official title." He blushes and I giggle. Teasing him never gets old. "Just so you know you have no obligation to sign with me. You're free to if you'd like."

"I know but I actually do want to work for you." I raise my eyebrow and cup his face.

"Good because I did pay a pretty penny to get you unsigned from CB Group, and I might have been a little sad if you didn't want to work with me." I say and kiss his forehead.

The door opens with a click and I pull back. Daisy strolls in and looks between the two of us before smiling.

"I'm having the lawyers draw up a new contract for Indigo, so it should be done by tomorrow." She plops down in my chair and I smile at her.

"Thank you. Good work." I sit on the table between the two since she had just stole my chair.

"So... not to jump back into business, but you plan to sign Indigo. How are you going to deal with the scandal?" She looks a little worried and rests her head on my thigh. I stroke her hair.

"Well I actually have a song written up and I've been looking for someone to sing it. I think Indigo is the perfect candidate." I look over at him and he looks a bit confused.

"You plan to ignore it?" She sits up and looks at me.

"Yes and no. I saw pictures of Indigo posted from his ex as proof. Doubting that would be impossible. Idols are found in dating scandals all the time so we just won't address that. As for the whole submissive thing, I thought maybe we could play it up. Nobody can use it against you if you own it." They both look like they have serious doubts, but I know what I'm doing, so I'm not worried.

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