I Like It When You Touch Me

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️

⚠️blood, survivors guilt, death⚠️


"Did you really want to go again? After I just cleaned you up? Gosh you're such a dirty boy. Can't you just behave?" I say while my hands run down his body, so they can rest on his waist.

"I was behaving myself." He pouts. "You're the one who can't keep your hands off me." He looks down at my hands then back at me.

"You're a real brat. You know that? I just can't help myself. I want to touch you all the time, but if you don't like it, I don't have to anymore." I let go of him and try to push him away but he doesn't budge.

I raise a brow. He leans forward so his hands are on both sides of the counter next to me, caging me in.

"I do. I like it when you touch me... so... please don't stop." He whispers. A blush is evident on his face but he maintains eye contact.

I crash my lips onto his and he melts into the kiss like putty. I cup his face and he grabs my hips, pulling me closer so we are pressed against one another.

Our tongues play with one another but he lets me take the lead. I pull back and we both catch our breath before we start making out again.

I feel something hard start to poke my thigh and I push myself closer, so I'm on the edge of the counter. I rock my hips gently and feel his boner grow larger.

He pulls back and let's out a moan. His head rests on my shoulder for a moment and he groans when I stop my movements.

"Do you want to keep going?" I ask, and pet his partially damp hair gently. He lifts his head off my shoulder and I smile at the boy. He seems so confident but when it comes to sex he really is quite shy.

"Yes please." He mumbles and I kiss him again. My hands tug at the waist band of his pants and I pull them down so his cock can spring free. I pump it a few times while we kiss then pull back.

I lean back and Indigo helps me pull off my pants and underwear. I sit on the very edge of the counter and Indigo holds my thighs so my legs are spread.

He uses his middle and ring finger to massage my clit and my body twitches beneath his expert touch. His fingers slip inside of me and I grab onto his shirt for balance.

His fingers fuck me slowly and when I don't think I can take it any longer he pulls out. His hands grab my thighs again and He lines his tip up with my entrance. Looking into my eyes for approval. I nod and he pushes in.

I feel my pussy being stretched out as he pushes in more. I moan and cling to the fabric of his shirt as he slides the rest in.

After he is fully in he pulls out almost all the way then thrusts in again with more force. He repeats this action over and over and I start to kiss him again.

My hands find there way under his shirt and I feel all of his tight muscles. He definitely has the build of a dancer. Even in doing somthing like this he does it with a kind of grace. His body control must be crazy.

His thrusts get a little faster and he throws his head back. He let's out a string of curse words in between moans, and I kiss his neck.

"You feel so good. Ah~ shit." He grips my thighs a little tighter and picks me up off the counter. He presses me up against the wall so my back is against it and I'm suspended in the air.

He thrusts in to me even faster and I wrap my arms around his neck for extra support. The room is soon filled with wet sloshing sounds and the moans we both make.

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