Men In Crop Tops

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✨smuttity smut smut✨

I ride out my high and pant as he pulls back. He wipes his mouth and looks at me. I look down at him. I know I'm flushed at hot right now, but I need him.

"Was that okay?" He asks seeking my approval. I lean forward and pet his hair. His eyelashes flutter and the freckle beneath his eye disappears behind them temporarily.

"That was amazing~ you're really skilled with your tongue." I say and he blushes. I look down and he's still really turned on, so I decide I should help him out with that.

"Get on the bed and lay down." I order. He does what I ask and lays back on some pillows. I crawl over and sit next to him.

I run a hand up his thigh, across his stomach, then tug at the chain of the nipple clamps. His back arches slightly and he groans.

"Do you want to take this off? It's been on for a while." I say while playing with the chain.

"No it's okay... I like it." He says looking really needy. He definitely has at least a little pain kink.

"Hm what do you think about choking and hitting? Is that something you would be into." I say and run my hand across his collar bone and neck. "Of course I wouldn't do anything to actually harm you, but it might be something you'd enjoy."

"I think that would be okay." He says while I massage his neck gently. I lean forward and kiss him. Man I want him so bad.

I take him in my hand and start stroking him very slowly. His hips buck into my hand and he moans into the kiss.

"Please fuck me..." He asks after I  pull back. I'm actually surprised he'd be so bold, but I do like it.

"Yeah I think you've earned it." I say and kiss him again. I climb on top of him and suck on his neck. He moans and I position myself above him.

I line up his tip with my entrance, and he grabs my hips to stabilize me. I lower myself down slowly but feel slight pain from his sheer size.

"Ah!" I whine as he enters me. I grab the sheets below, then rest my head on his chest so I can adjust.

"Mmh~ Are you okay?" He asks and I nod before moving up. I start moving my hips up and down before it stops hurting.

I start to feel pleasure and I know he feels it too. His moans sound like heaven and they're such a big turn on. I go slow and gradually pick up my pace.

Indigo leans forward and kisses my neck while I ride him. He sucks on the delicate skin harshly, without a doubt leaving hickeys.

He kisses up my jawline and soon finds my lips. I enjoy the feeling of the hot, passion filled, kiss. I run a hand across his side and bring my other one to his neck.

I squeeze his neck gently and he moans into the kiss. I pull back and kiss his jawline. He throws his head back and let's me do the work.

"Ahh~ Mommy! Mhm, please fuck me harder~" He struggles to form complete sentences. I follow his request and start bouncing quicker.

My back arches and I reach a hand up to play with my boobs. Indigo takes one of my nipples in his mouth and sucks on it.

"Mmh~" I moan and push him back on the bed. I decide now is a good time to take off the nipple clamps, since the feeling of taking them off is pleasant.

I unclamp one, and play with his swollen nipple. His back arches and I take the other off and toss the clamps aside.

I lean forward and suck on his nipple. He lets out a whimper-ish type of moan and squirms around. I pull back and ride him even faster.

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