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It takes me some time before I can manage to help Indigo into the bathroom for a bath, but nearly 30 minutes later I've washed us both off and we are relaxing in the warm bath water.

"So... did you enjoy being pegged?" I ask after some light talking. I want to know if he would be open to doing this again or if it was just a one time thing.

He sits between my legs and turns slightly so he can look at me. I push some hair out of his face and look into his eyes.

"I did." He says quietly.

"Really? Is it something you might like to do again, or was once enough?"

"We can do it again... but next time you could be a bit more rough with me. I could tell you were holding back." He kisses my cheek and I smile.

"Noted." I give him a little kiss on the lips and rise from the bath. Water drips off of me and onto the floor as I get out.

I grab a towel and start drying my hair. Indigo watches me from the tub, a lazy smile playing on his lips. He has an arm draped along the edge of the tub, head resting on it.

"Is there any meaning behind that tattoo?" He asks referring to a moth tattoo between my shoulder blades.

"Kind of. Moths symbolize change and transformation. I got it after I started my company. It was kind a new beginning for me... I felt like I had to prove that I could do things on my own and stop relying on others like some weak child." I pull on a large t-shirt and lacy black panties. "I also think tattoos look hot."

"You were never a weak child June. You were strong even then." I smile at this. "It does look pretty but it's on your back. You can't even see it."

"I know. I like knowing it's there. Plus back tattoos are mostly for others to see anyways." I grab another towel then sit down beside the tub.

"Do you think I would look hotter with some tattoos?" He asks when I start drying his hair.

"Mhm, I could definitely see you rocking that look. There's also nothing in your contract preventing it anymore, so if you want to do something like that you're free to." I wipe a few water drips off his neck then set the towel down.

"I might. I debuted before I was legal age to do anything like that, so I never got the chance." He takes my hand in his and threads our fingers together.

"If you got a tattoo what would it be?" I ask while resting my head on the side of the tub as well.

"Mh I'm not sure. I haven't really thought about it. However I doubt I'd need meaning behind it, so I'd just get a bunch of visually appealing ones." I smile at this.

"I bet you would look so hot." I stand up and let go of his hand. "Are you feeling tired? Or hungry? I could make you something." I ask wanting to make sure he feels okay.

"I feel just fine. I'll be out soon I just want to soak in the water a little longer." I nod and decide to let him stay in as long as he wants.

While he relaxes in the bath I head out and go to my living room. I take a seat on the couch and turn on the TV. I mindlessly flick through channels while thinking of the coming week.


Some time later Indigo comes in wearing only a pair of blue pajama pants. They hang loosely of his hips and he looks sinfully good.

I watch him closely as he comes over and takes a seat next to me. For some reason I can't take my eyes off of him.

Water droplets fall from his slightly damp hair running down his chest. I watch as the droplets slide down his slim body. He's not only undeniably handsome but also pretty in a very unique way.

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