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5 days later


"Well since your apartment isn't really safe to stay at anymore, you can just stay here temporarily, until you find a place that is." I fiddle with the hem of my shirt. "We can have movers clear out your apartment. Wasting money on rent when you aren't even staying there is stupid."

Indigo sips his tea and raises a brow. He sits shirtless on a stool in my kitchen aisle. For a moment I think of pinning him down on my kitchen counter and taking him right now, but I shake off the thought. I have more important things to worry about.

Perhaps it's too early in the morning to bring this up. It's just been on my mind all night so I needed to ask.

"June... did you just ask me to move in with you?" He tilts his head like he's trying to figure out a difficult puzzle.

"No- I mean yes- kind of... you've been staying over here for weeks anyway and I enjoy your company, so I don't know... maybe you could stay for a little longer... Like roommates."

"Most roomates don't fuck and sleep in the same bed."He smirks at me.

"Well some do..." I mumble as I pour myself a cup of tea. He laughs at this.

"What about rent?" He asks as I take the seat next to him.

"I own the building Indigo. I don't pay rent, so you don't need to either"

"Well I can't just stay here and freeload off you forever." I hum as I think then click my tongue.

"Well I have more money then I could ever need..." I run my hand up his thigh. "But maybe you could pay me back some other way."

"I'm a prostitute now? Selling my body for food and housing?" He teases.

"No of course not. Get your mind out of the gutter. Being a woman, living alone in town, it's dangerous." I put on my most fake helpless act. "Having a big strong man living here would scare off any creeps. I'd feel sooo much safer if you stay." I say while twirling a lock of hair around my finger.

"I think we both know your more than capable of handling yourself." He says with a smile.

"What if I'm not? Do it for my peace of mind." I look at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Begging doesn't suit you June." He chuckles at my failed attempt at being timid and sweet.

"Well I wouldn't need to if you just agreed already." I punch him in the shoulder.

"Hey, I'll do it! I'll do it. Alright." He rubs his arm. "No need to resort to violence."

"Sorry love. Would kisses make you feel better."

"It might." He smiles. I kiss his shoulder, then across his collarbone, his neck, then his jaw. I pepper small kisses across his skin then my lips reach his. I give him just a small peck on the lips then pull away.

"More." He mumbles pulling me closer. I peck his lips again and he pouts. "June~" He whines

"Words honey." I run my thumbs over his jaw. "What do you want?"

"Kiss me harder please." He begs and I feel a smirk come to my face. I crash my lips onto his for a hot passionate kiss.

Our tongues come together and play as my hands wonder down his chest. I feel his ribs, and the muscles in his stomach, his abs and the way his muscles contract at my touch.

He pulls me into his lap and kisses my exposed neck. I grind down on his developing hard on and he lets out small gasps.

His hands quickly strip off my shirt and he sucks on my chest as I rock against him. He grabs my thighs and stands up, setting me onto the counter. I push the cups away and he continues to kiss my chest.

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