Box Of Fun

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"Do you also like your company? I heard CB Group is known to be less than kind to there idols." I ask, trying to find out if it would be possible to get him to work for me instead.

"Hm are you a reporter or something? Why so interested?" He asks and I feel like I said too much.

"Just curious to know more about you." I let out a little giggle.

"Relax, I was just kidding. I doubt a reporter would do the things you did to me the other day." He chuckles. I guess he does have a point. I want to know more but drop the topic.

We talk for a while longer and even get dessert. We order a slice of strawberry, vanilla cake to share while we chat.

"Here." I hold out a strawberry on my fork. He looks down at it and smiles before opening his mouth and making a little 'ahh' sound. I chuckle and move the fork closer to his mouth. He leans forward slightly, and takes a bite out of the strawberry while holding eye contact.

I never knew somebody could eat so seductively before. I gulp and watch as he finish the strawberry off. After he's finished he leans back and uses his thumb to wipe the strawberry juice off his lip. He licks the juice off his thumb and hums, enjoying every last bit.

"That good?" I raise a brow in question. He nods. "Kind of wish I got a taste now." I chuckle and put my fork down. He looks down at the plate and smirks.

"Aww, looks like that was the only one. If you want a taste I'm sure it's still on my lips." He smiles playfully but his offer is tempting.

"Indigo..." I say quietly. "How about we get out of here and I can try it when we get to my apartment?" He looks down at the cake.

"Don't you want to finish dessert?"


Dessert is not what I want to be indulging in right now.

"Not really, but if you want cake I'll get it to go." His smile only grows and he shakes his head.

"No I'm done." He says. I nod and call for the bill.

The bill comes a minute later and he makes a move to grab it, but I snatch it up first.

"I can pay for us. It's really the least I could do." He says trying to grab the bill but I move my hand away.

"It's okay I got it. I like to spoil my dates." I say and he looks away shyly. After I pay we leave and go back to my car.

"So would you like to come back to my place? Usually I'd keep it classy and not bring someone home after a first date, but I'll make an exception for you." I say as we buckle in.

"I knew this whole date was just a ploy to get me back into your bed." He says.

"Damn, you must already know me too well if you figured that out." I say like he's just ruined my master plan. We both laugh.

"Yeah I would like to go to your place, as long as we can stop by mine before we go." I nod and head back to his place. 


"Would you like to come in? It might be a few minutes." He says after we pull up.

"Sure." I say and follow him back to his apartment. I'm still a little confused but I don't say anything.

He grabs a key and unlocks the door. I'm instantly hit with his familiar smell, like fresh berries and rain.

"Angel I'm back~" He coos when we step inside. A furry white cat pokes it's head in from the hallway.

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