Gag Reflex

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✨smut ahead✨

Indigo's POV


She lets go of my chin and leaves the room. I let out a shaky breath as I try to calm myself. I look down at my throbbing erection. I'm painfully hard and by every passing moment it gets worse.

I can't believe I got so worked up while just fantasizing about her. Nobody has ever had such an effect on me. She's beautiful and she has a great body but that's not the only thing I like about her.

She can be so sweet and attentive at times but she can also be seductive and dominant. Truth be told, I love it when she bosses me around.

I look down at the bottle of lube in my hand and toss it onto the middle of the bed. I run a hand through my hair and sigh.

Gosh what is she doing to me. I was never like this before. I was never this needy and I never begged anyone to fuck me. She does weird things to me. She's always on my mind and I can't get enough of her touch.

I crawl into the middle of the bed and sit on my knees. My hand goes to relieve my aching member and I let out a moan as I stroke myself.

I know I shouldn't, but I can't help but imagine June's hands stroking me instead. Her gentle but firm grip. Her soft lips. The way she says my name.

I stop and pick up the bottle of lube. June asked me to prep myself so I squirt some on my fingers and lean forward slightly. I press two fingers against my entrance and let out a little gasp as I slide in.

I push in as far as I can go then curl my fingers as I withdraw. I push in again and close my eyes. I wish it was her. She so good with her hands.

I grab my cock as I start to finger myself. I stroke myself slowly in fear that I might cum immediately if I went any faster.

I imagine June's hands on me as I stroke myself. I just can't help but think of her. I imagine her hands on my throat squeezing tightly as we both reach our peak.

I hear footsteps approaching and my eyes shoot open. June's stands in front of the bed watching me. A smirk plays at her lips. She wears sexy black lingerie and a large purple strap.

The strap isn't the same one as last time, this one is much larger. I pull my fingers out of myself and go wash my hands.


Upon returning June signals for me to come stand before her. I feel a nervous knot form in my stomach but do as I'm told.

When we are both standing I tower over her significantly, but with just one look from her piercing gaze, I feel weak in the knees.

"Kneel." She commands. With those simple words I drop to my knees. I feel my cheeks heat as I come face to face with the large purple dildo. I stare up into her eyes as I wait for her next command.

She caresses my cheek with one hand and I lean into the touch. Her hand moves from my cheek to my chin. Her thumb runs over my lips a few times as she watches me.

"Open." She says and my lips part immediately. She slowly pushes 2 fingers in my mouth and I lick and suck them lightly. The look on her face makes me feel weak and submissive.

She looks like she is planning to use me and fuck me just like I asked. I moan at the thought. Her fingers pull out of my mouth slowly. Trailing my tongue as they do.

She stops at my lips then pushes back in. Her fingers hit the back of my throat and I have to resist the urge to gag. She retracts then pushes in all the way again. I gag slightly not expecting it.

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