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His soft eyes stare down at me and my gaze sharpens. I clench my jaw, trying to find the right words.

"Whats wrong? Are you getting jealous because of what Rachel said?" I push off of him and run a hand through my hair.

"Of course not. I don't get jealous." He raises a brow in question. I let out a huff. "So what if I was? She was clearly trying to get you to take her to the event. She probably likes you." I say putting my hand on the wall behind him caging him between me and the door.

"Why would it matter if she liked me? I can go with whoever I want." I run my other hand up his neck then cup his jaw. Was it really so bold of me to assume that he liked me too?

"Fine. If it was your choice would you go with her?" I ask in an interrogative way.

"Of course not. I have no interest in her." I nod and let out a sigh.

"Good. You can't just let any random person go to these kind of events with you. She isn't good enough for someone like you." I say while tracing the line of his jaw with my thumb.

"Mmh. So who would be good enough?" He asks while leaning forward. A smirk plays st the corner of his lips. I think for a moment.

"It doesn't matter. She isn't." I ignore the aching I feel in my chest. "If you don't want to go with me, pick someone else. I don't care." I say as I release him and walk back to my desk.

I take a seat and Indigo watches me closely. I try not to let my mood show on my face as he comes to stand before me, taking my hands into his own.

"I want to go with you." I stare into his eyes, trying to detect a lie. Was he only saying this because he thinks I want to hear it?

I pull my hands away. I know I'm just being petty, but not knowing what we are hurts. Did he like me? Were we just friends? Was this a casual thing?

"You can leave now. I have another meeting soon." I say, turning toward my desk. I start flipping through some papers, not really even reading them.

"June.. why do you keep pushing me away?" He whispers. I clench my jaw.

"Me? Push you away? I think I've made how I feel pretty obvious!" I say a little too loudly. I toss the folder back onto my desk. "You're either really clueless, or you've been ignoring all the shit I've been saying. Do you think I invite just anyone to stay at my apartment? I told you things that I've never even spoken aloud before."

I think about going to the bridge with him. Confiding in him about my mother and the accident. I feel upset but as I look into his eyes all the harsh words die on my tongue. I let out a sigh and turn towards him.

"Sit." I order. He hesitates but crawls into my lap. His eyes are downcast as he straddles me. I tip his chin up and his gaze slowly drags upward.

Our eyes meet and I instantly feel bad for yelling at him. He looks so innocent like this. His soft brown eyes search my face.

"I'm sorry. You're just a difficult person to read. I never know what it is you really want with me. I thought this was just a sex thing, but I feel different now... I like you June." He whispers the last part.

I feel my heartbeat quicken. I pull him closer to me. His body melts into mine. It's like our body's were made for each other... A perfect fit.

"I like you too. I like you so much it hurts to know you're not really mine." He leans in and I can feel his warm breath on my cheek.

"June... I want to be yours. Just being near you makes me so happy. Can I... be your boyfriend?" My heart flutters.

Even if he doesn't remember the first time he asked me that question I do. My heart still beats like it did then. I crash my lips onto his. The kiss is hot with a simmering passion. I pull back.

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