Testing My Patience

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✨Lil smutty✨

I take a breath and try to push through the crowd, but these people really aren't letting me out. I see no other choice, I think that I need to say something, so they leave me alone long enough to get out of here.

"Miss. Shin, what are you doing here? Did you sign Indigo to be your client?" One of the reporters speaks out.

"What's your relationship with Indigo? Are you two romantically involved? Is that why you're at his apartment complex?" Questions keep coming and I can't even speak when they keep shouting at me.

I clear my throat, about to speak up, when all of the nearby sprinklers turn on and start drowning us. People flee and I take the opportunity to slip away.

In all of the chaos they lose sight of me and I bolt out along with a few others. I jog back over to my car quickly and fling open the door. I crawl inside and put the cat carrier into Indigo's lap.

I turn the key and my engine roars to life. I pull out quickly and drive off.

"Well that could have gone better. I really didn't think they would recognize me." I think back to the sprinklers they came at the perfect time. I look over at Indigo. Had he done it? He did look a bit disheveled when I got back, and he would have had the time to get back to the car before me. "Did you set off the sprinklers?" I ask.

"I did. I saw them surrounding you and thought you might need a distraction. You didn't get wet did you?" He checks on Angel to make sure she's okay, then looks at me.

"Barely, so don't worry, I'm fine. Thanks for doing that. If you hadn't, I would have had to say something and I'm not big on talking to the press." I take off the hat and mask. "We should probably find you a hotel to stay at for the time being."

"Good plan." He says then looks up some nearby hotels. "Here's the closest one." He puts the address into my GPS and I start driving to the location.


We arrive a few minutes later then head inside. There really isn't anyone here since it's still mid day.

"Hello, how may I help you." A brunette boy with glasses says behind the front desk.

"Do you have any rooms available?" He looks me over then glances at Indigo.

"We do. However there are no pets allowed in here." His eyes flicker to the carrier Angel's in. "Sorry."

"It's okay thanks for your help." I sigh then head out of the hotel.

"Damn it. Why didn't I think of that. Of course the hotel wouldn't allow pets. Are there any that do?" I ask Indigo after getting back into the car.

"It looks like there are none here... We would have to go out of town to get to the closest one." He shows me the map and I pull a face after seeing how far away it is.

"Well you could stay at my apartment if you want..." I feel weird about asking, but it's not like he hasn't slept over before. "Just until things calm down and you can go back to your place."

I run a hand through my hair. "Since you're going to be my client it's only logical that I'd take care of you." I say it aloud but I'm not sure who I'm trying to convince, him, or myself.

"Hm really? Would you keep it professional or does this come with perks?" He smirks at me and I groan at his bratty behavior.

"I was going to try to be professional, but it seems that you need someone to fix your bratty attitude." I start up the car and pull out of the parking lot.

"You're lying. You never intended to be professional. You can barely keep your hands off me. You like my attitude~" I look over at him and he's still smiling.

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