Tied Up And Blindfolded

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"It's okay if you're not sure where your limits are. That just means we'll have to try and see." I stare at the innocent boy before me. We are truly opposites. His innocent nature is something I long to destroy.

"Sit in the middle of the bed, on your knees, legs apart." I say in a confident voice.

He looks at me again, then does what I say. I watch as he moves, almost every move he makes only has me wanting him more.

After he's seated I make sure he's watching, then slip out of my dress. I go slowly, seductively removing the red dress, leaving only my underwear and matching bra on.

He looks at me with a look that I've seen many times before.


He wants this... He wants me.

I look down and see that he's fully hard now. His tip is red and wanting. He definitely likes what he sees.

I go to my side table, grabbing a long piece of fabric. Then I crawl onto the bed and mirror his pose, sitting in front of him so we are looking into each others eyes.

I sit up, grabbing his shoulder for support his hand rests on my back so I don't fall. I know he's about eye level with my boobs, so I look down.

His head is only inches away from being buried in my chest. Though I don't think he would mind, I make quick work tying the blindfold around his eyes.

I sit back and his hand lets go of my waist, going to rest on his thigh just like the other one. I miss the feeling of his hand immediately, but I want to please him right now so I take a breath.

"Can I touch you, and kiss you?" I lean forward and whisper in his ear. His breath catches and he gulps.

"Y-yes." He says quietly.

"When I ask you a question answer with a 'yes mistress', 'yes ma'am', 'yes mommy', or my name from now on." I say informing him of my preferences.

"Mommy?" He asks

"If you enjoy calling me that, you can." I grab his chin aiming his head upward and to the side, so I can have good access to his neck.

"Are there any pet names you dislike?" I ask before sucking on his neck. He lets out a moan and I continue while he answers.

"I~ Ah no, I can't think of any I dislike." He says between moans.

"Good, Do you have any kinks?" I ask then pull back to look at his neck. It's now littered with red, purplish, marks.

I smile to myself and wait for him to answer. "I'm not sure... I guess I like to be degraded sometimes, but I enjoy praise the most." He says after getting a moment to think.

"Anything else?" I question looking to see if there's more.

"Not that I know of. I'm not the most experienced. All of the sex I've had before now was kind of vanilla, so I haven't gotten a chance to explore this side of things." He talks like he's trying to find the right words.

"That's okay. We can discover some of them together now if you'd like." I let my hands rest on his waist as I scoot closer, sitting between his thighs.

He smiles and I bend down kissing his chest. I make a trail of kisses across his collar bone, then up his neck. I remove one of my hands from his side and bring it to cup his cheek.

I lean forward and kiss him on the mouth gently. He seems surprised then kisses me back. He tastes vaguely of vodka and cherries. Our little kiss turns into a several minutes makeout session.

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