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"You were my first love. You broke my heart and stole my scarf." My jaw drops.

"What?" I look at him with wide eyes.

"Yeah you said you would return my scarf the next year but you didn't-" I hit him in the arm lightly.

"Not that. I was your first love?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah, I used to really look up to you. I waited for you every year after that but you never showed up... and I never got my scarf back." He smiles and I feel my heartbeat quicken.

"I- I still have it..." I whisper and he lean forward.

"What? Really? I thought you would have gotten rid of it by now. It's been years." I feel my cheeks heat more.

"Well I held on to it... because I wanted to give it back. I didn't even remember this but you were my first crush even then I suppose." I play with the ends of my hair and he smiles.

"I guess fate brought us back together." He unclips his seatbelt and leans over. His lips meet mine for a sweet kiss. After a few moments we pull away both blushing and smiling like idiots.

"Let's go inside. You still owe me one for earlier." I peck his lips and his smile grows.

"Yes ma'am." He unclips my seatbelt and we both get out, walking hand and hand into my apartment building. After getting to my apartment I unlock the door and greet Angel.

She sits by the door waiting for our return and meows happily rubbing herself on our legs as we take off our shoes. I pick her up and pet her, walking over to my couch to sit down. She lays down in my lap and purrs as I stroke her.

Indigo takes the seat beside me and pets her as well. She soaks up the love until she gets sick of it and hops off of the couch. The fuzzy white cat scampers out of the room and I turn to Indigo.

"How about we go to my bedroom?" I set my hand on his thigh, massaging dangerously close to his crotch.

"Yes please!" He smiles enthusiastically and I grab his hand, pulling him down the hall towards my bedroom.

"Hey bunny, do you think we could try something a bit different today?" I say as he sits on the bed.

"Mh sure.. what were you thinking?" He asks and I climb into his lap.

"I want to fuck you." I start to unbutton the top buttons on his shirt and he watches me.

"Well I did assume that's what was happening when you brought me to your bedroom." His hands grab my thighs and he rubs them gently.

"No. I want to fuck you." I say as I unbutton the last of the buttons. I press my hips into his and rock gently to create a little friction. He moans but realization dawns on him.

"You want to... fuck me?" I know that he understood and I nod.

"Only if your comfortable with it." My hand glides across his stomach and I bite my lip. "I know a lot of men aren't into it, but I was hoping you might like to try."

"Okay... but first how about I make it up to you for what you did earlier." He starts to undo the button on my jeans and I smile. His hand slides into my pants to play with me through my underwear.

He rubs lazy circles on my sensitive area and I grasp onto his shirt. His fingers finds their way into my underwear and my legs twitch.

He plays with my bud and I already feel wet, letting out a few ragged breaths. He massages me with his thumb as two fingers glide across my folds.

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