First Love

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"June? Are you alright? Do you want to tell me what's wrong." I shake my head and rub my eyes.

"I'm okay now. I'll tell you about it some other time. We should go find your grandmother first." I say crawling out of his lap and back into my seat. He nods and buckles back in before pulling out of the parking lot. He gives me a concerned look and I turn towards the window.

I would tell him but I honestly don't think I could say it aloud without breaking down. It's been years since the accident but that day still haunts me. I think of it everyday. What happened that day, my mothers death, it was really all my fault.

If I hadn't said anything that day we would have just gone straight home, we wouldn't have been on the bridge and my mother would still be alive. I've always known deep down that my mother's death was my fault.

I close my eyes amd focused on controlling my breathing. When I think I've calmed down I open my eyes and look out the window. We make our way through town and soon the setting turns all the too familiar.

Dimond like water shines below the bridge and I feel nauseous. After passing over the bridge we stop at a little trail next to it on the water shore. Indigo parks the car and we get out.

I look over the water remembering the few times I had visited this place after the accident. My dad liked to come here on the anniversary of the accident for the first few years after my mother's passing.

We stopped going every year after my father remarried. Since I was so young at the time of the accident, I barely remember my mother at all. I remember she had long hair and dark eyes. They were a feature passed down to me and the only real similarities between us.

"What's your grandmother's name? Perhaps we should split up and search for her."

"Her name is bora, but if she is having a bad memory day she might not remember. It's better if we search together." He says grabbing my hand.

His grandmother's name is bora, like purple? Him and his odd family names... Then it hits me.

"Is Indigo a stage name?? Don't tell me someone in your family is the color blue." I turn toward him mouth agape.

"Ah no no. My name is actually Indigo. My name was just inspired from my grandmother's. My mom's favorite color was blue and when you mix blue and purple you get Indigo. Hence the name. Indigo would be a good stage name but I'm just lucky I guess." He smiles and pulls me along as we walk the trail near the water.

Talking with Indigo helps ease my worries a little and I feel better the longer we walk. A figure appears ahead on the trail and as we get closer I see that it's an elderly woman.

She wears a light purple crocheted sweater and stares down at something in her hand.

"Is that..." I ask as we slow our speed so we don't startle her.

"Yeah." He says and we walk up. She holds a small pendant of some sort in her hand but pockets it when she notices us.

"Hey miss~" She says in a sweet quiet voice. "You look like a sweet girl. Can you and this fellow help get me back to the main road? I appear to have gotten lost." She says glancing at Indigo. The look he gives breaks my heart. He wears a fake smile but I can tell he's sad that she doesn't remember him.

"Of course ma'am." She grabs onto the side if my arm for support and holds it as we walk. "What is it you're doing all the way out here?" I ask and Indigo grabs her other arm helping her along.

"I came to see my daughter. Her birthday passed recently but I only now remembered." She looks regretful as she speaks.

"Well I'm sure she's glad you took the time to see her." I say patting her hand in comfort she smiles.

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