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A few days later


"Miss. Shin, we prepared several designs for the event. Tell me which one you like best." One of the stylists hands me a tablet with pictures of the outfit choices. I scroll through while getting my hair done.

"This one." I click on a low cut velvet black dress with blue-ish colored details. The dress has long gloves and emanates power.

Indigo's outfit is a lowcut matching suit. To play up the submissive bit, the outfit comes with a collar type of choker. The collar has silver and blue colored details, it matches the jewlery nicely.

I hand the tablet back to the stylist and she scurries off the go prepare the outfits. I grab my phone and scroll through articles talking about the event. There seems to be more buzz than usual.

Since Indigo's single came out just days ago the media has been all over him. He's been doing interviews and performances. I've barely got to see him.

I sigh and set my phone down. Even today I don't get to spend much alone time with him. Indigo was asked to do a live performance so we can't even leave early.

I'm happy for him of course. His fame is skyrocketing, however I wish he wasn't so busy.


After changing into the pretty dress, I make my way out of the dressing room. Staff escort me to a black limo waiting outside. I get in and find Indigo already there.

He smiles at me and I take the seat beside him. At least we have a little privacy here. Indigo kisses my cheek and I turn my head so I can catch his lips on mine.

"You look beautiful June." He brushes a lock of hair off my neck. His eyes scan my face, then my body, like he is admiring ever detail.

I check him out aswell and he look so handsome. He fills out the suit perfectly and it looks even better now than in the picture. He wears the necklace I gave him and even his ring.

I decided it's best of we aren't wearing matching couples rings. Instead I keep mine on a necklace tucked into my shirt so people don't see it .

"You don't look to bad yourself pretty boy." He blushes and a wide smile breaks out on his face, causing the dimple on his cheek to stand out even more.

I kiss him again and admire the marks I've made on his exposed skin. Several hickeys and even a bite mark show on his neck and collarbone. I would consider giving him more if we weren't headed to this event. Fresh hickeys would definitely be suspicious.

"How are you feeling about preforming later?" I ask knowing he gets anxious before shows and interviews.

"I'm a little nervous. You haven't seen me preform live before so I don't want to let you down." He fidgets with his ring. He always acts so confident in front of others, but I love seeing his vulnerable side. The side he only shows to me. I take his hand in my own.

"You'll be great. You couldn't let me down no matter how you preform. Don't stress about it, okay." I give his hand a reassuring squeeze and he nods.

He rests his head on my shoulder and we remain in a comfortable silence for the rest of the drive. His fingers play with mine and I let my eyes fall shut.


"June." Indigo nudges me gently. My eyes flutter open and I look out the window to see that we are approaching the event. I hear cheering and shouts as we approach the entrance.

I fix myself up and Indigo does the same. The limo parks in the front of a large red carpet. Velvet ropes line both sides along with security guards to keep people back.

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