Passenger Princess

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We go to a small homey restaurant that smells amazing. After food arives Indigo clears his throat.

"As I was saying earlier I had something I've been meaning to ask you..." He takes a sip of water and I give him my undivided attention. "Well actually... ah never mind."

He fidgets nervously and I wonder what's on his mind. Before I get the chance to ask however, he has changed the subject.

"I was also wondering if you might let me sing a song I've been working on, as my first single with your company."

I had already had a song picked out but I can still have a look at his song. Two weeks is a tight deadline, but if the song is good, and has amazing vocals, it has a better shot at becoming an instant success.

"Does CB Group know about this song." I ask.

"No I wrote it myself and I haven't showed anyone yet. My old company probably wouldn't like the song it's kind of hyper sexual..." He fidgets with a napkin on the table.

"Hmm, tell me more about the song." And so he does. He talks about the meaning behind the song, goes over some of the lyrics, and gives other ideas for the theme and whatnot. I actually love the idea and can tell this song has potential.

"I think this song has potential to be your biggest yet. However are you sure you'd like to paint your image in such a sexual light? Once you do something like that you can't go back." I wonder if he knows just how this will effect his career.

"I am. I think this song would be more me than my other songs. CB Groups tried to make me act like someone I wasn't, but I don't want to do that anymore. I want to be myself, and this would really help clear up the rumors."

"That it would. I think a song like that would make it pretty obvious that your a sub." I chuckle. "We will get to work on it when we finish lunch." He nods and we eat lunch before heading back to the office.


When we get back we head to a different meeting room. I set up a small staff team for Indigo. They will be attending to him and helping in any ways they can, just like I have for other idols.

When we get to the room the team bows. I take a moment to introduce Indigo and tell them of their jobs. After discussing everything that needs to be done, we talk about the upcoming song.

"We will start recording tomorrow. The song is already written but may need to be revised. I'd like that finished in 3 days, so we can start working on the video." The staff looks anything but thrilled. "I know the next couple of weeks will be exhausting but if this project is done on time, I will give you each a large bonus on your next check. Of course if any of you don't feel up to the job you're free to go now"

Nobody leaves and the promise of a pay bonus seems to have lifted their spirits. No one mumbles anymore complaints. I check the time and decide to dismiss everyone. It's been a long day after all.

"Alright. I expect to see all of you work your hardest these coming weeks, so go home and rest well. I'll see you tomorrow." They bow before exiting the room.

I turn to Indigo he hits me with one of his signature dimple smiles and I feel slightly reassured.

"Do you have any other work to finish?" He asks as we both get up.

"That's all for today. The hard work will start tomorrow." I grab my purse and sling it over my shoulder. "Let's go home. I'm in desperate need of a nap. I talked so much today my throat is starting to hurt." Indigo chuckles and we head out of the room as well.

"Do you want me to drive back?" Indigo asks when we get closer to my car.

"You can drive?" I question since I hadn't seen him drive thus far.

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