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"You think?? So cann I-I be your boyfriend?" I nearly choke on my drink.

I recover after a second and look in his eyes. He looks genuine, like he might really mean it. He wants to be my boyfriend.

"Yeah you can be my boyfriendd..." I lean in close. "But there are rules." I slur my words slightly.

"Yeah! of couurse!" He smiles happily.

"You can't see other people. You belong to me." I stop to think.

"Done!" He says a little too loudly.

"You can't tell anyone about ourr relationship cuz you're an idol and it wouldn't be too good for you if people kneww." He looks less than pleased but just nods. "What do you think"

"Mmh well I like your ffirst rule *hic* but not the second one. I know why you said it but I still don't like it." He pouts. "Can I add a rule?"

"Of course bunny." I rest my hand on his thigh.

"I don't want you to see other people either. I want to be yourrs, and you to be mine." My heart flutters at his words.

"Agreed. Anything else." He shakes his head. "Hmm how about we seal it with a kiss?" I lean in close enough to feel his breath on my cheek. I stop just short of kissing him. Leaving just enough space for him to decide, pull away or seal the deal.

He must realize why I stopped and leans in. His lips meet mine and we share a sweet kiss. Our tongues play and I feel a rush through my body. Like we are connected now. Officially...

His hands find the tie on my pants and he fumbles trying to untie it. I pull back and smile at him. He has that cute shy flush on his cheeks and I couldn't be happier.

"You're definitely too drunk for that. " I grab his hands and hold them instead. "Howw about we go to bed instead?" He nods and we peel ourselves off the floor.

I hold his waist and we stumble through the house. Finally making it after much struggle. I crawl onto the bed and lay down, closing my eyes.

The bed divots beside me as Indigo crawls in. He snuggles into me. Laying his head on my chest. I wrap my arms around him and kiss the top of his head.

"Goodnight baby." He mumbles in response and after a few minutes sleep overtakes me.


The next morning I wake up alone in bed. I have a massive headache and the light that's shining through my window is really pissing me off.

I groan and pull the covers over my head. After cursing the world I drag myself out of bed. The lights are all out and I don't see Indigo on my way to the bathroom.

I check my bag for some headache medicine but don't find any. Great... today is going to be an amazing day.

I take a shower and get ready. After I'm a little more put together, I head to the kitchen. As I pass through the living room I see that yesterday's mess is all cleaned up.

On the kitchen counter I find a note. 'If you're reading this I'm probably not back. I went to the store to get some headache medicine. Be back soon- Indigo♡'

I set the note down and start to make some tea. The pleasant smell fills the kitchen and I shut my eyes while it brews. The front door opens and clicks shut. Indigo must be back.

"Good morning~" Indigo's honey smooth voice coos. He's way to chipper on such a blinding day.

"Morning." I groan as my eyes open. Indigo looks very put together and has no signs of how heavily sloshed he was yesterday. He wears an almost entirely patchwork denim outfit including a bucket hat.

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