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"Yes! Yes, I'll behave. I'll do anything. Just please let me cum!" He actually begs and a few more tears fall from his beautiful brown eyes.

I'm sure he'll be a brat again but I still like that he's begging so hard. I turn the vibrator settings up and grab hold of his cock.

"Alright since you've been such a good boy, I'll let you cum now, but you better remember this next time you want to mouth off. I can be kind, but I can also be very cruel." I start to stroke his cock and he moans loudly throwing his head back.

I did make him endure several hours edging and he's behaved very well for the most part. I kiss him and he kisses me back the best he can through his moans.

"As a reward I'll even let you cum in my mouth." I lean down and lick the underside of his cock. He curses as I take him inside my mouth. I lick and suck his tip. The salty taste of his pre- cum coats my tongue.

He is rather large and not a lot fits in my mouth. I take in as much as I can and use my hands to stroke the rest. I swirl my tongue along his tip and suck his swollen member.

I use one hand to tug on the chain attached to his nipples. His cock twitches in my mouth and I know he's close. I'm honestly surprised he lasted this long after hours of edging.

"June~ fuck! Oh God! You're so good at that! Mmh~ I think I'm gonna cum!" He twitches in my mouth again and I taste his salty cum fill my mouth. I swallow what's in my mouth and pull off a little.

His cum shoots into my mouth and lands on my tongue. His body twitches and I look up at him. His eyes look down at me and I swirl my tongue around his tip, giving him a real show.

I lick up every drop and he jerks involuntarily while riding out his orgasm. The vibrator is still on and buzzing within him. I'm sure that is also adding to his prolonged orgasm.

I take him back in my mouth and suck gently. His hips buck and he shakes violently. I lick the underside of his cock once more then sit up.

He rides out the last of his orgasms and his head lulls to the side. His body continues to twitch and spasm. I shut the vibrator off and stroke his cheek.

There is a sticky trail on his cheek where the tears fell. Sweat clings to his body and his brown eyes look into mine.

"Are you okay bunny?" I fear I may have been to hard on him. He is new to bdsm and this may have been to much for him to handle.

He doesn't say anything and just looks into my eyes. Did he not like that? I guess pushing him to the points of tears was to much.

My thoughts are silenced when hot lips crash into mine. I'm surprised at first then kiss back. He kisses with so much passion. My heart beat escalates and I take control of the kiss.

He didn't even give me a chance to brush my teeth after I just... he seems so overcome with desire. I doubt he even cares.

I reach behind him and start to undo his bindings. As soon as his hands are free he reaches forward and takes me in his arms. His hands caress my back and I tangle my hands in his hair.

His hands move to unclip my bra. He struggles for a second then finally unlatches the hooks. Since the bra is attached to my underwear by straps he helps me shimmy out of them.

Soon I'm fully exposed and he pushes me back onto the bed. As soon as my head hits the bed he is above me and devouring my lips. His kisses sink lower and he trails hickeys down my neck.

He takes one of my nipples into his mouth and starts to suck it. I gasp and his hand travels down my body. He looks up at me and his hand glides over my folds.

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