My First Crush

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"No I haven't.... I can't. I think... I'm obsessed." I put my head down on the table. "He's just so... different. He makes me feel things I've never felt. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"There's nothing wrong with you honey." She says and I look up. "You're just having your first crush!"

"What!" I silently shout. "But..." I trail off thinking. Did I really have a crush? I've had sex and dated before, but I guess I've never really had feelings for any of them.

Dating always seemed like a business transaction more than anything else. I'd date them if they entertained me enough, then I'd get bored and we'd break up.

I just figured that's how everyone felt when dating, but did they really feel like this, with their 'crushes'.

"I've seen how you are when dating others, but I've never seen you look love struck before. Man you must have it bad!" She says teasingly.

"How do I stop it?" I ask, wondering if these feelings are ones I can get rid of.

"You can't. The heart wants what it wants." She says petting my hair in a comforting way.

"My heart wants Indigo." I say whining into the table.

"Indigo? Is that his name?" She asks and I look up again.

"Yeah." I pout.

"That's an odd name. I only know one Indigo, and he's an idol." She says.

"Yup thats the one" I sit up and pull out my phone. I show her a picture and she squeals. The other people in the Cafe look over at our table. "Ya, stop that, people are looking."

"Oh sorry." She whispers. "You have a crush on Indigo? Like 'CB groups' Indigo?" She pauses but not long enough for me to answer. "Wait! Did you guys..?" She makes a hand gesture meaning sex.

"No we didn't have sex, we just messed around a little..." I say as my cheeks heat up.

"Messed around?" She presses for details.

"Well I blindfolded him and tied him up, then I.. uh... gave him a hand job." I blush harder. Daisy's eyes almost pop out of her head as she stares at me, mouth hung open.

"Damn I didn't expect Indigo to be such a freak~ mh good for you." She says like a proud mom. I glare at her and she laughs.

"But what should I do now?" I ask having no game plan. People have always just liked me and pursued a relationship. Meaning I never had to work to get anyone's attention.

"Did you get his number or something?" She asks.

"Yeah I did." I look at her and grab my phone, showing her the number he gave me.

"Well clearly he wants to see you again. Normally you wouldn't give someone your number if it was just a one time thing." She continues. "So the question is do you just want to be fuck buddies or do you want to date him?"

I think for a moment "I'm not sure. I think I might want to date him." I say feeling confused about these new feelings.

"That's good, So maybe asking him on a date would be the best option." She says like she's giving wise motherly advice.

"But won't it be weird? We only just met yesterday, and he just broke up with his girlfriend." I pout again.

"Well clearly he isn't too hung up on her if you guys went that far yesterday. Plus you're a total gem, there's no way he wouldn't be interested in dating you." She gives me a little pep talk.

"I guess you're right, but what do I say? I've never needed to ask someone out before." I stare down at my phone.

"Just say 'hey it's June. I thought you were totally hot, and was wondering if you might be down to go on a date with me?' Or something like that." She says and I nod.

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