chapter 1

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Fourth has been in love with Gemini, probably since he was 16, which, to be fair who wouldn't fall in love with Gemini when he is doing great at literally everything. He has hinted several times to Gemini about his feelings, but the latter thinks that Fourth is just kidding, playing around, and just teasing him.

It's fine, though, because Gemini is his best friend, and they pretty much know everything about each other. He knows that Gemini is the funniest person he has ever known. He knows that Gemini is super talented and smart. He also knows that Gemini is a giant dork and a literal baby (which, to be fair, Gemini is an only child). He knows all these things about Gemini, and they all make him fall deeper in love with him.

He loves it when Gemini takes care of him. It feels different, and it makes him feel all warm inside. He also loves taking care of Gemini. That's how he shows his love. Doing small things for his best friend, whether it's loosening the cap of water bottles for him, tasting all his food when they go out to eat to check if it's not too spicy or eating all the vegetables that Gemini refuses to eat but doesn't want to waste. Fourth does it with an open heart because he loves doing things for Gemini.

Fourth knows probably that Gemini won't likely feel the same about him, and that's okay because he has learned to live with that fact. He still had Gemini in his life, and that was more than enough. They hug and kiss (although mostly initiated by Fourth). They have sleep overs and cuddle, so really, Fourth is okay with Gemini not reciprocating his feelings.

But something recently has been bothering Fourth, and no it's not the fact that Gemini doesn't love him back the way he does (Fourth has dealt with those feelings and he is totally okay with it). Gemini loves him, even if it's not the "I wanna kiss you" til you drop the type of love that Fourth has for him. But fact remains that Gemini loves him.

So the thing that has been bothering Fourth is that he has feelings for someone else, someone that isn't Gemini (shocker). But someone that is so much like Gemini that Fourth feels like it's his subconscious that is trying to find someone that is close to Gemini as possible that can possibly return Fourth's feelings. Although Fourth doesn't know if this person can return his feelings.

He did have a long discussion with Mark and Satang about this without revealing too much. Satang and Mark obviously know about Fourth's massive crush on Gemini, the whole world knows except for Gemini, who seriously can not catch a hint. Anyways so Fourth had a discussion with his phi's about this and they asked him if the things that he liked about this "other person" (Fourth didn't reveal the identity of this person, he would rather cut his tongue than do that)- anyway they asked if the things he likes about this person where the same as the things he likes about Gemini.

He contemplated this for a while and even meditated on this matter. The more he thought about it, the more he realized the things he liked about this person were completely different from things he liked about Gemini. Okay, maybe the fact that the two could pass off as twins is aiding in this whole thing, but it's not his fault.

The two may look like each other. They may be the only children to their parents, but that is all coincidental. Besides, the two may look similar, but they are totally different. Gemini is slightly taller, maybe like by 2 centimeters, but that totally counts. Gemini has this adorable bunny-teeth smile that Fourth loves and cherishes and wishes to see every day for the rest of his life. While this other person has this beautiful, breath taking smile that is soft and elegant.

Their personalities are also so different, Gemini is this fire-crack of energy and giggles while this person is calm and reassuring (at least he is when he is with Fourth). This person also takes really good care of Fourth, which is great because Fourth is the older child in his family, so he kind of gotten used to taking care of others. Gemini takes care of Fourth, too, though, but in a different way.

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