chapter 9

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So Phuwin and Gemini never got to have sex alone because of well.. Fourth, but that was okay because Phuwin loved having sex with both his boyfriends and was not at all disappointed. It's Fourth after all, and the boy is just sinfully gorgeous.

They were at some sort of team building thing that the company organized. A camp, and it was going great, but Phuwin couldn't get any time with any of his boyfriends alone. He was stuck with his partner and best friend Pond. It was great! Except for the part that Gemini was wearing a tank top and shorts that made his ass look great and frankly very distracting.

It was no surprise that they lost the game because Phuwin was too distracted to even to understand the instructions. What made matters worse was that Gemini winked at him during one of the games that they were playing, and Phuwin lost all his composure.

"Better luck next time, phi." Gemini winked like the little gremlin he was.

They won a few games, but that was honestly all thanks to Pond because if it wasn't Gemini teasing him, it was Fourth giving him sultry looks. How is a man supposed to survive under such attacks? He felt his body burning up. It was too hot even for Thailand.

"You seem distracted. Is everything okay?" Pond whispered to him.

"Just those two purposefully distracting me." Phuwin answered, nodding in Gemini and Fourth's direction.

"Oh. How about you distract them back?" Pond suggested with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"What do you suggest?" Phuwin smirked.

"Let's make them jealous." Pond suggested mischievously, and Phuwin agreed. If anything he knew about his boyfriends was that they were the type to get jealous easily, especially Gemini. He didn't want to play dirty, but they started it, so all is fair in love and war.

It honestly didn't take much to make Gemini jealous. In fact, Phuwin didn't have to do much out of the ordinary. All he had to do was comment on how strong Pond was, allowing Pond to carry him to prove his point. He allowed Pond to wrap his arm around his waist and linger a bit longer when whispering something closer to his ear.

Fourth, on the other hand, was a tough cookie to Crack, but with Gemini distracted, the two younger males lost a game or two.

Later on that day, it was almost evening. Gemini approached them with a sullen look on his face, almost like he was pouting.

"Hia Phuwin, can you get some - uhm some more wood with me... for the fire." Gemini said, obviously some mediocre excuse to get him alone or away from Pond as there was clearly more than enough wood just a few feet away from them.

"Okay." Phuwin replied with a small smile. He looked over to his best friend and said,"Will be back in a minute. Don't miss me too much, na.". That earned him a glare from the younger, which made him feel all giddy inside.

They walked into the woods in silence for a while with Gemini pouting. It was so cute and endearing.

"So want to tell me why are we getting more wood when there's clearly more than enough woods." Phuwin asked, coaxing an answer out of the younger.

"Why are you flirting with P'Pond?" Gemini asked instead of answering his question.

"I wasn't flirting with - oh! You're jealous. Oh, baobei! That's so cute." Phuwin cooed delightfully.

"I am not jealous!" Gemini retorted.

"Of course not baobei." Phuwin chuckled.

In an instant, Phuwin was pinned against a tree with his hands held above his head in a tight grip. He blinked up at Gemini.

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