chapter 14

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Pond knows he shouldn't get involved in this situation. He doesn't know what happened, Phuwin refused to talk about it claiming that he was fine and it was nothing. However Pond knows Phuwin, and he knows Phuwin is not fine. If he was being completely honest with himself Phuwin hasn't been fine in weeks, since his break up.

Pond doesn't doubt Phuwin's love for him. He can see it in the way he smiles at him, he can feel it in every touch and kiss. But he can see the yearning and longing in Phuwin's eyes whenever he looks at Fourth.

He guesses that he was right about Phuwin's intense love for Fourth compared to Gemini. Pond has noticed that Gemini and Phuwin are sort of friends, there isn't any awkwardness between them that would suggest that the two were ex-lovers. They just click the same way old friends would click.

With Fourth however it is a different story. He would see how Fourth avoids them like a plaque, how he would steal glances of Phuwin looking all dejected like a kicked puppy. He would see how Phuwin would be vibrating out of his skin wanting to go to Fourth, how Phuwin seems to be drawn to Fourth like a flower is to the sun.

Strangely it doesn't bother him as much as he thought it would. It bothers him, but not that much. He doesn't feel extremely jealous that Phuwin obviously still loves Fourth. It does make him somewhat sad. All Pond had ever wanted was to see Phuwin happy. Heck! He even swore that it didn't matter if Phuwin's happiness wasn't with him but another, he would still be happy.

When Phuwin confessed his love for him, and told him he broke up with Gemini and Fourth he was ecstatic. He never thought that his love would be reciprocated, or that Phuwin could be his and his alone. As much as Phuwin tells him how much he makes him happy. Pond has to be honest with himself and admit that Phuwin would be much happier if he had Fourth in his life as well.

The way things are going it doesn't seem like they will ever be friends, there is too much tension, too much emotions between the two that they could ever be just friends.

So this is how he found himself involved in this whole thing. He knows Fourth won't talk to him but he knows Gemini will. Him and Gemini always got along even after the break up Gemini never seemed to blame him, not that Fourth blamed him but the younger couldn't look him in the eyes so...

Anyways, he knows there's no bad blood between him and Gemini so if anyone could help figure this whole situation out it would be him. After all neither Phuwin and Fourth are willing to talk about any of this and the two can't even be in the same place for five minutes without the other crying i.e Dunk's graduation party.

So Pond took it upon himself to at least try to mend the situation. He called Gemini and asked him to meet up for lunch, his treat and the younger was more than happy to come.

When Gemini shows up he looks tired but there's a smile on his face and his eyes shine brightly. They talk about a dance that Gemini saw Pond do, Gemini compliments him on how great it was then tries to convince him how to teach him how to do it. It's nice, Gemini is always so enthusiastic about everything and willing to learn.

Later during the meal though, Gemini pauses and looks at him like he is studying him.

"So phi. Are you going to tell me why the sudden invite to lunch?" Gemini asks, his gaze sharp and intense.

Pond knows that Gemini already knows what this is about. He admires the boy for his patience throughout the lunch, for humoring him this long. Pond sighs heavily and prepares himself mentally for this conversation.  He knows how protective Gemini is over Fourth, he doesn't blame him though since he is just as protective over Phuwin.

"So I know you probably know what this is about. I am really worried about Phuwin. This situation between him and nong'Fourth is taking a toll on him." Pond says, he decided to go straight to the point. There really isn't any use dilly dalling around the situation.

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