chapter 11

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Joong will have to admit Phuwin and Fourth are really cute. The way they look at each other, the way Phuwin's smile seems to brighten whenever the younger does something cute or does anything at all. He pays attention to attentive Phuwin is off Fourth, always giving the younger drinks or just extra food whenever they go to eat.

Phuwin and Gemini are cute but they look so similar and sometimes act so similar that one might think they are actually related which kinda makes the idea of them being romantically involved kind of weird. However they seem to like each other, he does somehow notice that the way Phuwin looks at Gemini is not the same as he looks at Fourth and vice versa.

Sometimes the two would be looking at Fourth like the other hung the moon and every single star in the milky way. They would have this small smile on their lips with fond expressions. So Joong wonders how much of their 'love' for each other is for then individually and how much of it is their love for Fourth.

Just as he manages to observe the throuple. He manages to observe the pinning his other friend is going through. How Pond's eyes would brighten up whenever they catch a sight of Phuwin, how they would soften when Phuwin would smile at him. He listens to Pond go on about pretty Phuwin is.

"You have to admit it Joong. Phu is objectively pretty. You have seen how long his eyelashes were and his lips are so pouty and delectable and-"

"You are so whipped for him it's sad." Joong sad cutting Pond off.

"What? You making it sound like I am in love with Phuwin or something! Which I am not because-"

"Because you are straight? I know the whole speech Pond. I am just saying maybe you should control how you look at him because the faces you give him scream 'I love you'." Joong says, cutting Pond off again.

With a heavy sigh Pond has a sullen look on his face when he says, "I am in love with Phuwin. But what can I do about it though? He seems happy."

Joong's heart ache upon hearing Pond's words. Phuwin does seem happy, and he knows that Pond would want Phuwin happy even if it isn't with him. Joong thinks they can make it work though, considering there's already 3 people in their relationship one more can't hurt. Right?

So he takes it upon himself to fix this. Joong just loves his friends and really wants them to be happy. Also Dunk is really busy and he has time to waste and meddle.

So one afternoon he finds Phuwin alone, miraculously.

"Hey nong," He says cheerfully and receives a very judgemental scowl from Phuwin. Pond was right afterall, Phuwin looks cute when he makes that angry face.

"Don't look at me like that. Anyways how are you?" Joong says as he plops himself beside Phuwin.

"I am fine I guess. What do you want?" Phuwin asks, his scowl softens a bit but no way as warm as they do when he looks at Fourth.

"Don't be like that. I am just catching up with a friend. You know ever since you been in a relationship we haven't had a chance to hangout." Joong says with a chuckle.

Phuwin gives him another judgemental scowl.

"Also Dunk is really busy so I thought it's time to catch up with friends." He adds with a nervous chuckle. Meddling is hard.

Phuwin's expression soften a bit before he releases an exasperated sigh and nods.

"So... mind if I ask a few questions?" Joong says casually, trying to sound as if he is not snooping.

"About what?" Phuwin asks without sparing a glance.

So Joong decides he might as well go for it. "Like this whole polyamorous relationship, does it mean like if you find someone else you like will you go for it?"

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