chapter 10

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Pond was listening to Fourth talk about something, Pond wasn't sure because the younger skipped from one topic to the next but he didn't mind. Fourth was always so adorable when he talked so animatedly.

"By the way P'Pond have you seen hia Phuwin?" Fourth asked curiously looking around.

"Him and Gem went looking for wood." Pond answered.

"Wood?" Fourth asked, brows pinched together and his head tilted slightly to the side. Absolutely adorable. Pond could see why Phuwin was so enticed by the younger.

"Yeah apparently there wasn't enough wood here." Pond replied, amused.

"Oh!" Fourth said, realisation hitting him, Pond let out an amused chuckle.

He honestly didn't know how this whole polyamory thing worked, but Phuwin seemed happy. Personally he didn't think he would get into it. He wondered if the three ever get jealous of each other, he wondered if they had their favourites. Everyone has their favourites, even parents do even if they wouldn't admit it out loud.

"Hia Phuwin!" Fourth said as he lodged himself into the other's arms. Luckily Phuwin was able to catch him on time.

"Hey Fotfot." Phuwin replied holding on to the younger.

"Gem!" Fourth placed a kiss on Gemini's cheek, while clinging on to Phuwin.

"I am going to P'Joong." Gemini said, blushing profusely.

Pond watched the whole thing with an amused smile. He wondered who Fourth's favorite was, probably Gemini. The two have been inseparable ever since he had known them. Plus they look at each other as if the other hung the moon and arranged all the constellations.

However looking at the image infront of him, Fourth holding onto Phuwin looking at the older with sparkling eyes and a smile so bright it rivaled the sun. He could only see adoration and admiration from Fourth. Could Phuwin be Fourth's favorite he wondered.

He also wondered who could be Phuwin's favorite. He always thought it was Fourth, the way Phuwin dotted on the younger without any complaint simply said so. Even now Phuwin looked at Fourth with hearts in his eyes, smiling at him with so much fondness.

So if Fourth was Phuwin's favorite who was Gemini? Obviously Fourth, Pond concluded.

Soon Dunk called him to join them. As Pond observed Gemini he could see the purplish bruise on his collarbone, obviously from Phuwin when they went searching for "wood". Pond snorted at his own thoughts.

"What's up phi?" Gemini asked.

"Nothing. So tell me where's the wood you guys went searching for?" Pond asked.

"We couldn't find any." Gemini replied, his cheeks coloring a soft pink.

"Really? In the forest where almost every is literally covered by wood. You couldn't find any?" Pond asked sarcastically, an amused smile on his lips.

"It's crazy I know but we couldn't find any." Gemini replied, shyly scratching the back of his head.

"So the bruise on your collarbone is a result of looking for wood too?" Pond said amused, a brow arched in challenge.

Gemini sighed, "Okay P'Pond. You caught us but you saw how hia Phuwin challenged me. He was driving me crazy and I couldn't take it anymore."

Well Pond didn't expect that and it seemed like the other two who were immensed into shamelessly flirting with each other didn't either.

"Wait! Phuwin gave you the hickey?" Dunk asked, while shamelessly sitting on top of Joong's lap.

Pond looked at the couple and rolled his eyes. The two were so into each other it was sickening but also kind of adorable.

My Boyfriends- A Polyamorous Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now