chapter 21

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Pond loves his boyfriend, like a lot, and one of the things he loves about his boyfriend is how kind, generous, and funny he is. He loves that Phuwin is all soft and cuddly with him. A side he has not really shown the world. So Pond feels very privileged to be at the receiving end of it all.

When he first realised that he was in love with Phuwin, it had been devastating. Phuwin was already in what looked like a happy relationship with not only one but two people that Pond personally knew were great people. So when Phuwin confessed to him, it had all felt like a dream, truly unbelievable.

As much as he was happy to be in a relationship with Phuwin, he didn’t like how sad Phuwin had become after his break up. The only thing he had ever wanted for Phuwin was for him to be happy. As cliché as it sounds, Pond was truly happy when Phuwin was happy.

So maybe that's why Pond went out of his way to talk to Gemini to try and set up his boyfriend with his ex. He just wanted to see his baby happy again. Also, he really didn't see the need for Phuwin to leave his relationship for him. He never wanted him to choose. All he ever wanted was to have a part of Phuwin as his.

It's all so confusing and he doesn't even know how to explain it but he does know that he never thought that Phuwin's love for him would be any less than it is currently if he was in a relationship with Fourth or even Gemini.

And he doesn't even have anyone to talk to about this because it feels awkward. Pond has never considered being in a polyamorous relationship, but he could see the appeal. He could comprehend the idea of a person being in love with more than one person. People are individuals, and thus, it's possible to fall for different aspects of their personalities and likeness.

He just wishes someone could just fix this whole situation for him. Because someone even though he is kind of involved in this situation, he also feels like he is not involved? Like sure this whole mess started because he just had to go and fall in love with Phuwin, who happened to love him back. So there this means he also contributed to this mess of a situation.

Pond sighs while cooking, thinking about all the ways he could somehow get Gemini and Fourth to talk. Well, more like how to get Gemini to apologize for being an idiot to Fourth and hopefully get them back together again. Then get everyone to get together again. Which then begs another question : If Phuwin gets back together with Gemini and Fourth would while still being with him, would they all now be together in a relationship as a quadruple?

If they become a quadruple, would he be an active participant in the relationship with both Gemini and Fourth? He has never thought of the romantically or sexually before. But the idea of it is not repulsive. Objectively speaking, they are both attractive and have strong points.

For instance, Gemini is good-looking, funny, adorable, talented, a very sporty guy, and they get along great. He also has that Disney princess vibe about him sometimes, which is just adorable, so as a man who is attracted to other men, he can see it happening between him and Gemini.

Then there is Fourth. Whenever Pond thinks about Fourth, the only thing that comes to mind is cuteness personified. He has strong points as well, like Gemini, in terms of being sporty and talented, but the main thing about him is how freaking adorable he is. Fourth is the type of person that makes Pond understand the urge people have to want to bite or pinch things they find cute. Like he can understand what people mean by "he is so cute I could eat him up."

So, logically speaking, it should work, right? That is if they also find him somewhat appealing. They could make this whole quadruple thing work.

The first thing he needs to figure out is how to get Gemini and Fourth back together. It shouldn't be too hard. He probably needs to lock them up in a closet for a minimum of 5 minutes, and they will get their shit together. Those two are so in love that it should be disgusting.

My Boyfriends- A Polyamorous Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now