chapter 8

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Gemini always sort of knew that he would end up with Fourth. Fourth was his soul mate, his other half, the Ying to his yang. They were like two peas in a pod, two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together, so to him, it made sense that they would end up together.

Gemini also always sort of knew that he was in love with Fourth. He always looked at the younger like he hung the sun that shone so brightly like his smile. He knew Fourth was the love of his life.

What he didn't know, however, was that Fourth wasn't going to be the only love of his life, that someone else would make their way to his heart. That he could love someone just as much as he possibly loved Fourth.

Gemini didn't know that he would end up falling head over heels for Phuwin, who was nothing like Fourth.

Phuwin was pretty. No, he was beautiful, so feminine yet so masculine at the same time. He had lips Gemini wanted to capture with his own and pale skin that Gemini wanted to mark. Phuwin was like a piece of artwork that Gemini found himself admiring.

They were so similar yet so different. Phuwin was smart and funny, not soft and endearing like Fourth except when he pouted. Heaven's! Gemini wanted to kiss those delectable cherry pink lips whenever the older pouted.

"You are staring." Pond nudged him with his elbow.

Huh? He didn't even realize he was staring at Phuwin, but lately, his eyes were trained at the older's every movement. Gemini has never been captivated like this by anyone except for Fourth.

"Was I?" Gemini blinked.

"Yeah... you like him, don't you?" Pond asked, which was a strange question considering that Pond already knew about their arrangement.

"I mean, he is my boyfriend." Gemini shrugged.

"I guess... I just thought you guys were sort of like Fourth's boyfriend and not like each other." Pond replied.

"Does he not talk about me?" Gemini asked.

"Well, Phu is very private... he doesn't really talk about his private affairs." Pond replied. 

"Yeah, I see that." Gemini replied softly, his attention back to his beautiful boyfriend.

"I never thought I would see the day where you two are a thing." Pond said.

"Why is that? Is it so strange?" Gemini asked, biting his lower lip self-consiously.

"I don't know, it's always been you and Fourth. Nothing else kind of made sense." Pond replied. 

"Well, Hia Phuwin makes sense. It's like he was always meant to be a part of us." Gemini said, and Pond hummed in reply.

Phuwin shoots him a beaming smile and a wink that makes his insides do a somersault.

"You are hopeless." Pond said with a chuckle, watching the exchange between the young couple.

That evening, Gemini drives Phuwin to his apartment, Fourth won't be joining them as the younger of the three will be hanging out at Satang's place along with Mark. 

Gemini was feeling nervous. He had never spent the entire night with just Phuwin alone. They have only kissed like three times without Fourth there, and all three times was a bit awkward but incredibly thrilling at the same time.

"You are quiet." Phuwin comments brushing a lock of hair from Gemini's face.

"I am concentrating, and you are making it a bit difficult to do so." Gemini replied, his cheeks tainted a dust of pink.

"Am I distracting to you, Norawit?" Phuwin's voice comes out low and sultry, definitely distracting to Gemini.

"You have no idea what you are doing to me hia." Gemini almost growls in response.

"Tell me." Is what Phuwin says in that ridiculously low sexy voice.

"How about I show you..." Gemini says after parking the car and then captures Phuwin's lips with his. He pulls the older closer to him by the collar before licking fevorously into his mouth.

"Gem... let- let's get inside." Phuwin says, panting between kisses, Gemini groans in response but doesn't argue. 

Gemini makes a feral, guttural sound, and in an instant he’s on Phuwin, driving the older back against the wall and kissing him with an urgency that leaves them both winded. Gemini's mouth is all over Phuwin's face, kissing, sucking, licking, biting – he’s ferocious in his attack. Gemini's hands mirror his lips, plundering every inch of Phuwin's skin he can reach, rubbing, moulding, scorching. Phuwin reciprocates as hard and as fast as he can.

Gemini's lips make it to Phuwin's ear, nipping and licking him closer to the building quake inside of him. “Fuck hia,  I can’t get enough of you, I can never get e-fucking-nough!” His arms circle Phuwin's hips, lifting his buttocks.

Phuwin takes the not so subtle hint and bands his legs around Gemini. “Yes!” Phuwin hisses his demand. 

The moment of pure bliss, lust and passion is interrupted by a phone call. Gemini was going to ignore it because obviously he had better things to do than answer a damn phone, however the particular ringtone is specifically set for Fourth and he cannot in good conscience ignore his baby's calls even if it's for  mind-blowing sex.

Gemini was pretty certain that Phuwin wouldn't want him ignoring Fourth's phone call.

"Hey baby." Gemini answers as Phuwin licks his naked bare chest, making him shiver a bit.

"Hey Gemgem, are you busy?" Fourth asked.

"Not particularly." Gemini answered looking down on Phuwin who is now mouthing and licking one of his nipples.

"Gem are you okay?" Fourth's voice sounds concerned, probably from how low Gemini's voice sounds and the heavy breathing.

"Mn." Gemini replied as he bit his lower lip to suppress a moan from Phuwin tugging at one of his very sensitive nipples.

"Gem? What are you doing?" Fourth asked, sounding less worried and more suspicious?

Just as Gemini was about to answer Phuwin smirks at him before biting his nipple causing the younger to yelp.

"Hia!" Gemini yelps and smacks a hand over his mouth.

"OMG! Gem are you and hia Phuwin having sex?" Fourth asks whisper-yelling.

"Uh." Gemini looks down at Phuwin who looks very amused with himself as he leaves bite marks all over Gemini's abs.

"Without me?" Fourth sounds both offended and intrigued.

"Fot." Gemini groaned.

"Fuck! Will be there in 10 minutes. Don't finish without me." Fourth says and hangs up before he received an answer from Gemini.

"Fotfot will be here in 10 minutes." Gemini says before pulling Phuwin up and devouring the older in a fevorous kiss. 

"Well that's more than enough time." Phuwin says biting Gemini's lower lip.



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